





"I enjoyed working with my ODU coaches and looked forward to seeing them in the classroom and receiving feedback. The TIR program was incredibly helpful in my development as a science teacher for 21st century students living in an urban area. I can say I gained so much insight from my professors who are all passionate and joyful about teaching. Without that level of sincerity and love of teaching, this would be an average teacher prep program. I have been inspired and gently guided into teaching and I appreciate everyone who poured their love into helping me succeed. The ODU staff sacrificed a lot of time and energy into us TIRs individually, 对此我很感激!"

“TIR项目达到或超过了预期的每一个标准. My instructional coach was willing to engage in some serious conversations about techniques, 方法, 课程, 评估, 以及SOLs的具体制备. She ensured that I was fully enabled to teach from the first day by providing necessary space, 材料, 指导, and by preparing the class in advance for the presence of another teacher. What's most notable is that she was careful to include me as a fellow teaching professional and not to compromise my validity and authority in front of the students."

"This program was very supportive in helping all of us become teachers, from the financial supports to the staff of ODU and NPS supporting us every step of the way."

"I had an amazing mentor instructional coach who taught how to be an effective teacher and the TIR program taught me how to teach in diverse ways and how to teach culturally relevant lessons as well as to plan effective lessons and different types of 评估s and how to use that data to see where those students are and if they are understanding the content."

“如果要我总结一下我对TIR项目的感受, 我得谈谈这个项目的领导能力, 我的临床住院医师教练, 和我的ODU教练. 首先,博士. 安德伍德 has done an outstanding job at establishing a program that gives candidates an accurate depiction of all the hard work teachers put in to ensure the success of their students. Her high standards of excellence motivate the teacher candidates to rise above any occasion and become leaders inside and outside of the classroom. She is very intentional and leads by example so that we can model her behavior and learn to teach in culturally relevant ways. It is transformational to experience culturally relevant pedagogy in our course work as a graduate student with Dr. 安德伍德. A mentor once told me that the universe evenly distributes talent, 但并没有平均分配机会. TIR项目由Dr. Janice 安德伍德 gives a unique opportunity that develops highly competitive teachers that will be the leading cause of change in the urban education system.

其次,女士. 克里斯登,我的临床住院医师教练简直就是良师. 她真的很喜欢指导和指导你完成这个项目. She understands her role and provides immediate and useful feedback. Her delivery of feedback comes from a genuine place as her goal is for you to be successful in the classroom. 她使我在这个项目中的经历令人难忘. I have learned a tremendous amount of information from her that I will cherish for the rest of my teaching career.

最后,夫人. Gregory, my ODU coach has been influential on my experience in this program. During her visits, she provided feedback that would leave me feeling empowered. Her suggestions were easy to implement and always ended with positive results. 在完成这个项目之后, I feel that I am more than ready to take on my classroom in the fall and am prepared to implement culturally relevant lessons that I know will empower my students to highest levels of learning achievement."

"I feel truly blessed to have been a part of this program and surrounded by such powerful and passionate people. Every day I was inspired to make a difference in education with diversity principles and be a powerful educator that challenged my students to apply what they learned; thus, I operated at the highest levels of Blooms Taxonomy to encourage my students to do great things in science. Dr. 安德伍德 is a truly amazing leader that I challenge myself to become more like. Receiving the honor of being able to participate in this program has changed my life because I have learned to teach in culturally affirming ways and create educational experiences for my students that not only get them excited about science, 同时也鼓励他们从事科学事业. So, I know that I am making a difference in Norfolk Public 学校 and in the lives of my students, ODU TIR项目的目的是什么. 我正在创造历史,成为TIR的一部分!"

"I enjoyed working with my ODU coaches and looked forward to seeing them in the classroom and receiving feedback. The TIR program was incredibly helpful in my development as a science teacher for 21st century students living in an urban area. I can say I gained so much insight from my professors who are all passionate and joyful about teaching. Without that level of sincerity and love of teaching, this would be an average teacher prep program. I have been inspired and gently guided into teaching and I appreciate everyone who poured their love into helping me succeed. The ODU staff sacrificed a lot of time and energy into us TIRs individually, 对此我很感激!"

“TIR项目达到或超过了预期的每一个标准. My instructional coach was willing to engage in some serious conversations about techniques, 方法, 课程, 评估, 以及SOLs的具体制备. She ensured that I was fully enabled to teach from the first day by providing necessary space, 材料, 指导, and by preparing the class in advance for the presence of another teacher. What's most notable is that she was careful to include me as a fellow teaching professional and not to compromise my validity and authority in front of the students."

"This program was very supportive in helping all of us become teachers, from the financial supports to the staff of ODU and NPS supporting us every step of the way."

"I had an amazing mentor instructional coach who taught how to be an effective teacher and the TIR program taught me how to teach in diverse ways and how to teach culturally relevant lessons as well as to plan effective lessons and different types of 评估s and how to use that data to see where those students are and if they are understanding the content."

“如果要我总结一下我对TIR项目的感受, 我得谈谈这个项目的领导能力, 我的临床住院医师教练, 和我的ODU教练. 首先,博士. 安德伍德 has done an outstanding job at establishing a program that gives candidates an accurate depiction of all the hard work teachers put in to ensure the success of their students. Her high standards of excellence motivate the teacher candidates to rise above any occasion and become leaders inside and outside of the classroom. She is very intentional and leads by example so that we can model her behavior and learn to teach in culturally relevant ways. It is transformational to experience culturally relevant pedagogy in our course work as a graduate student with Dr. 安德伍德. A mentor once told me that the universe evenly distributes talent, 但并没有平均分配机会. TIR项目由Dr. Janice 安德伍德 gives a unique opportunity that develops highly competitive teachers that will be the leading cause of change in the urban education system.

其次,女士. 克里斯登,我的临床住院医师教练简直就是良师. 她真的很喜欢指导和指导你完成这个项目. She understands her role and provides immediate and useful feedback. Her delivery of feedback comes from a genuine place as her goal is for you to be successful in the classroom. 她使我在这个项目中的经历令人难忘. I have learned a tremendous amount of information from her that I will cherish for the rest of my teaching career.

最后,夫人. Gregory, my ODU coach has been influential on my experience in this program. During her visits, she provided feedback that would leave me feeling empowered. Her suggestions were easy to implement and always ended with positive results. 在完成这个项目之后, I feel that I am more than ready to take on my classroom in the fall and am prepared to implement culturally relevant lessons that I know will empower my students to highest levels of learning achievement."

"I feel truly blessed to have been a part of this program and surrounded by such powerful and passionate people. Every day I was inspired to make a difference in education with diversity principles and be a powerful educator that challenged my students to apply what they learned; thus, I operated at the highest levels of Blooms Taxonomy to encourage my students to do great things in science. Dr. 安德伍德 is a truly amazing leader that I challenge myself to become more like. Receiving the honor of being able to participate in this program has changed my life because I have learned to teach in culturally affirming ways and create educational experiences for my students that not only get them excited about science, 同时也鼓励他们从事科学事业. So, I know that I am making a difference in Norfolk Public 学校 and in the lives of my students, ODU TIR项目的目的是什么. 我正在创造历史,成为TIR的一部分!"