Current Partners

The partnership between Old Dominion University and Norfolk/Newport 最靠谱的网赌软件/Virginia Beach Public 学校 (NPS) is primarily funded by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) and includes financial and in-kind contributions by ODU and its partners.

For more information about becoming a partner, please contact us at 757-683-3246 或电子邮件


ODU-Norfolk/Newport 最靠谱的网赌软件 Projects

作为合作伙伴, Old Dominion University (ODU), Norfolk Public 学校 and Newport 最靠谱的网赌软件 Public 学校 are fully committed to the preparation of teacher candidates with the skills and competencies necessary to engage diverse students. 因此, the Teacher in Residence (TIR) program, partially funded through a VDOE grant funded master's program in secondary education and special education, aims to promote 21st­ century teaching strategies in the development of teacher candidates as professional educators, 领导人, and critically engaged citizens. We are a highly selective program that is built upon the mission and vision of the overall ODU TIR model of preparation.

While the TIR program is managed by ODU, this initiative is a collaborative partnership between all stakeholders. Consequently, ODU makes every effort to seek the input and advice from NPS and NNPS regarding every aspect of program implementation, from the recruitment of candidates to the hiring of the teacher candidates. Our major goal is to substantially increase the number of viable science, 数学, and special education teaching candidates in hard to staff schools/positions in the divisions. And for this reason, ODU的, NPS and NNPS faculty intentionally equip teacher candidates with how to teach students with and without disabilities in culturally relevant ways.