

教师 members in the 心理学 Department are active in research in a wide variety of areas using world-class research resources. 请浏览 教师 & 工作人员页面 for more detail on each faculty member's specific areas of expertise and research interests.

Laboratory facilities within the department include computer laboratories, 一个全保真驾驶模拟器, 以及一系列最先进的生理记录设备. 此外, the department has many collaborative research arrangements in place with other departments, 大学, 政府机构, 私营企业, 以及研究机构.

The department is committed to providing research opportunities for undergraduate and graduate researchers. 本科 students interested in gaining research experience through our Supervised 研究 course can 从我们的咨询团队获取更多信息. 对 研究生课程 the department offers can find more information here.


Click on the "舒鼾" link below to learn more about our research participation system, 请参阅本系现有的研究项目, 报名参加研究, and to check the number of research participation credits you have in your courses.


行为酒精 & 相关研究实验室
广泛的, the 行为酒精 and Related Studies Lab's research focuses on the determinants and consequences of alcohol and other substance use among emerging adults.

青年的风险 & 弹性实验室
The 青年的风险 and 弹性 (YR²) Lab at 最靠谱的网赌软件 (Director: Dr. Cassie Glenn) is dedicated to research that aims to improve the mental health 和幸福 of youth.

健康、行为 & 技术(习惯)实验室
在《健康,行为, & 技术(习惯)实验室 is broadly related to physical and mental health and behavior.

本实验室的研究重点是性少数群体(女同性恋), 同性恋, bisexual) health including substance abuse and intimate partner violence.

酒精病因治疗 & 其他健康(ETOH)行为实验室
酒精病因治疗 & 其他健康(ETOH)行为实验室,由Dr. 艾比·布莱特曼(Abby Braitman)研究初成人的饮酒行为.

詹姆斯米. 亨森的实验室

研究 in this lab focuses on parental substance abuse and child development, 军人家庭/军人子女, 她生下了, 家庭暴力, 统计数据, 研究设计.

实验室的主要目的是发展, 探索, 并在科学中应用一般的定量方法.

The 早期家庭研究实验室oratory at 最靠谱的网赌软件 is an applied developmental and clinical science research unit focused on issues related to pregnancy, 交付, 早期的家庭生活.

博士在读学生. Chen's laboratory study the factors that influence human performance and decision making, 并运用这些认识来解决实际问题. Students have worked on real-world problems such as improving safety in semi-autonomous driving systems and effective risk communication in the cyber space.

博士在读学生. Scerbo's laboratory study simulation and user performance primarily in the area of healthcare. The lab at ODU includes two sound-attenuation chambers and another 2-3 reconfigurable work station areas complemented with various desktop simulator systems. 其他设施位于东弗吉尼亚医学院.

博士在读学生. Still's laboratory are currently developing models to predict eye movements within interfaces. 帮助设计师通过界面有效地引导用户. 我们也在改进和发明可用的认证方法. Making logging into a system easier and safer by designing interactions that exploit users' natural cognitive abilities.

博士在读学生. Yamani's laboratory study the phenomenon of visual attention in the domain of transportation safety and human-automation interaction. Students have access to a driving simulator and eye tracking systems for the study of visual cognition and perception in applied environments.

应用 & 翻译心理生理学实验室
博士在读学生. Yang's laboratory study physiological processes underlying human performance. The research focuses on identifying indictors of workload and stress, and developing 培训 programs to reduce errors and improve safety in real-life settings. Multimodal electrophysiological and neuroimaging techniques in the laboratory are available for students' research.

领导能力及员工评估 & 发展实验室(左).E.A.D.)
我们L的使命.E.A.D. research team is to promote safer, healthier, and more fulfilling lives at and outside of work. We collaborate with industry partners to investigate how individual and organizational characteristics impact employee performance, 培训, 订婚, 和幸福.

通过评估体验领导力 & 反馈(LEAF实验室)
Dr. Katz's research focuses on the provision of feedback within organizations and how feedback contributes to leader-follower relationship dynamics.

拥有一份令人满意和成功的事业意味着什么? What are the barriers to reaching career goals and, more importantly, how can they be overcome? 这些都是推动CDLab研究的核心问题.

Dr. Olenick's lab examines the dynamic processes underlying individual and team learning and development through formal theory building and testing.


心理学 faculty members collaborate with researchers at VMASC (Virginia 建模 and 模拟 Center) on various projects, including evaluating and operating the Battle Lab and analyzing and improving the job selection practices at Northrop Grumman-Newport 最靠谱的网赌软件.

EVMS Brickell图书馆

心理学教授和 东弗吉尼亚医学院 to investigate the implementation of pediatric asthma care guidelines in adult emergency departments, 评估 医学模拟器 用于培训频繁的医疗实习, 如结肠镜检查和静脉置管, 研究应对艾滋病毒的社会支持过程, 研究医患之间的互动.


研究 projects conducted by psychology faculty and supported by 美国国家航空航天局兰利 包括对 驾驶舱中的跨文化沟通, 显示适应操作者的警觉性状态, 以及在飞机驾驶舱内显示天气信息.


A collaborative relationship between the 国王女儿儿童医院  and 最靠谱的网赌软件 contributes to research on the reciprocal relationship between children's health and parents' employment.
