俱乐部 & 组织


Below are descriptions of different types of psychology organizations. APS和 Psi-Chi 是本科生组织吗?. 除了, state and national organizations that accept student members are listed. There are several advantages to belonging to psychology-related clubs and associations. Membership allows students to participate in outings and listen to guest speakers. It offers an excellent environment to share ideas regarding specific areas of psychology, 一个共同的键. It is a good opportunity to network with professionals in your field and also a way to "boost" your resume. 研究生 schools as well as psychology professionals admire a student who is active in extracurricular activities. 它表明了动机和个人承诺. Applications for all organizations can be obtained in the 本科 办公室 (MGB 246) as well as information regarding membership costs and contact phone numbers.



Psi Chi是全国心理学荣誉协会, 成立于1929年,目的是鼓励, 刺激, 维持奖学金, 推动心理学的发展. Membership is open to graduate and undergraduate psychology students. 本科 requirements are listed on the application and following the application is a questionnaire inquiring about personal involvement and ideas.



This organization is open to anyone (心理学 or other majors) interested in 心理学. APS is involved in a number of projects in conjunction with Psi Chi and is a great opportunity for students to interact with the 心理学 Department faculty, 参加募捐活动和社会活动, 或者在各种委员会任职.


ODU Chapter of the 人因与工效学学会

This award-winning organization is open to anyone (regardless of major) who is interested in engineering psychology. ODU HFES helps students gain information about this quickly growing field, and is a good opportunity for students to interact with graduate students and professionals in human factors and ergonomics.

Industrial/组织al 心理学 Student Association (IOPSA)

This new group is an organization of undergraduate and graduate students who have interests in I/O psychology. IOPSA is committed to engaging in collaborative research efforts and promoting the science of I/O psychology to other disciplines and the greater community.


状态 & 国家组织


This association is the oldest and largest scientific and professional organization for psychologists. Being a member entitles you to various publications and mailings pertaining to the field of psychology. 除了, APA publishes numerous guides providing information on graduate programs, 心理学职业, 以及目前的专业实践. 如果你对读研有兴趣的话, joining APA or APS (see below) as a student member is strongly advised.



APS is the leading international organization dedicated to advancing scientific psychology across disciplinary and geographic borders. Our members provide a richer understanding of the world through their research, 教学, 以及心理科学的应用. We are passionate about supporting psychological scientists in these pursuits, which we do by sharing cutting-edge research across all areas of the field through our journals and conventions; promoting the integration of scientific perspectives within psychological science and with related disciplines; fostering global connections among our members; engaging the public with our research to promote broader understanding and awareness of psychological science; and advocating for increased support for psychological science in the public policy arena.



This is the national professional organization for human factors specialists. 学生会员收到每月的简报, 季刊, 人为因素, 还有月刊, 设计中的人体工程学. Students who join usually have a strong interest in a human factors career.



SIOP is a Division within APA that is also an organizational affiliate of APS. The Society's mission is to enhance human well-being and performance in organizational and work settings by promoting the science, 实践, 以及工业组织心理学的教学.



这是隶属于APA的区域协会. One of its primary activities is its annual meeting held in March or April in the Southeastern U.S. 因为这是地区性的, many students attend this meeting and it is a good place to develop your network for your area of psychology.



VACP is the voice of professional clinical psychology within the Commonwealth of Virginia. Its purpose is "the advancement of Clinical 心理学 as a science, 作为一种职业, and as a means of promoting human welfare by developing and encouraging high standards of ethics and training; by providing the opportunity for the exchange of experience and research through discussions, presentation and publications; and by educating the public in the purposes and goals of the art and science of the 实践 of clinical psychology for the promotion of the public welfare.