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哲学 & 宗教RESEARCH学生大使

有兴趣主修或辅修哲学 & 宗教RESEARCH?

Connect with our 学生大使 to get the inside scoop about what it's like to focus your degree in 哲学 & 最靠谱的网赌软件的宗教RESEARCH. 联系 Professor Kouri Kissel to get in touch with a student ambassador. They're happy to answer any questions you may have about our program.


哲学 & 宗教RESEARCH 学生大使 facilitate various community-building projects and help recruit new students to the program by being available to answer questions from prospective students. 你可以在诸如Academics日之类的校园活动中看到他们, 主要的公平, 录取学生日, 以及其他有组织的信息会议.

philosophy_student_ambassadors学生大使:赛斯, 基思, 苏珊娜和Khalia.



你好! I'm a double major in philosophy and women's studies and the current president of the 哲学 Club. I chose on philosophy after taking my first ethics course which completely sucked me in. 哲学 is so relevant to other subjects and to life in general. 我对我的女性RESEARCH课程准备得更充分, but also for my job in hospitality due to my studying philosophy. This major helps regardless of the path you follow because it teaches vital skills like critical thought, 逻辑, 和开放.


哲学专业 with legal studies concentration and Minor in Human 服务s

Hi! I am a senior at ODU who is graduating at the end of this Fall semester. 哲学 was not my initial area of study; however, taking introductory bioethics course my interest was piqued. 我打算把我的学习重点放在保健和医学上. 哲学 has grown me not only from an individual aspect but also as an academic scholar. I have seen improvement in my reading and writing abilities, 它增加了我的自信心, strengthen my research and critical thinking skills and so much more.



你好. 我进入ODU的目的是主修哲学, but what I did not know yet was how much of an impact philosophy, its professors and students would have on me and each other. It wasn't until I took a few classes and went to some philosophy club meetings that I realized that I was just a kid in a candy shop. 通过学习和实践哲学, I have been able to 逻辑ally structure my thoughts in a helpful and understandable manner, 以前这对我来说很难吗.



Hi, I'm a double major in 政治科学 and philosophy. 我是作为政治科学专业的学生进入俄勒冈州立大学的, added a philosophy minor once I realized how much I love the deep discussions in those classes. Needless to say, that interest grew into a second major for me. The philosophy department has an efficient program to double major in both of these, and faculty are so helpful in helping you reach your unique goals. My philosophy courses have been very helpful for preparing me in my law school entrance exams.

联系 Professor Kouri Kissel to get in touch with a student ambassador.

哲学 & 宗教RESEARCH常见问题


  • The general concentration takes the five core classes, 逻辑, and any other (5) classes.
  • The political and law concentration takes (5) core classes, 逻辑, (2)阶级从政治核心, (2)从政治选举, (1)哲学选修课.
  • 宗教专业有5门核心课程, (1)海岛航线, (1)犹太教和基督教课程, (1)亚洲宗教课程, (3)选修课.

Why should I be a philosophy major if I want to do religious studies?

Since both philosophy and religion can be viewed as overlapping social constructs that influence one another, 最好把它们放在一起RESEARCH. Spiritual beliefs can affect moral beliefs and vice versa. These two areas of study influence how individuals perceive themselves and the world around them.


A philosophy degree is a great choice for those interested in pursuing a traditional career in academia or law. Or, 专攻宗教RESEARCH, you could attend Seminary and learn how to offer religious guidance. 但我们的专业涉及的远不止这些! Since philosophy teaches you how to structure arguments correctly, 只要你想说服别人, 这个学位将帮助你做到这一点. This includes policy, business, social services, NGOs, consulting, and a host of other opportunities.


"I've had an interest in philosophy since first reading Sartre and Camus in high school, 但我一开始选了不同的专业. I took a course on ethics to expand my horizons, and absolutely fell in love. I haven't looked back since, and I couldn't be happier with where I ended up. My philosophy courses provided me with challenges that invigorated me and fed into my need to question everything, and ultimately the fulfillment of those desires made me stick with philosophy.”(基思)

"I picked philosophy because I found the classes legitimately fun. It gave me a chance to know now just what the teacher thought, 但是我的同学和同龄人是怎么想的. (It also helped that my philosophy classes almost always gave us the readings for free unlike my other classes).”(苏珊娜)


"There is beauty in understanding the culture in which religion is born. And it's important to study the content of various ancient holy texts so we can better translate their meaning into today's day and age. What's most intriguing is how religious texts uniquely explain the "how's and why's" of the world.”(布丽安娜)


Most majors pair well with philosophy, since philosophy can be applied to any topic. 它们甚至不需要以任何方式联系起来! Lots of students double major in women's studies or 政治科学, 但我们也看到历史学的双学位学生, 政治科学, 心理学, 言语病理学, 纯粹数学, 环境工程, 农业, 计算机科学, 我们还可以想象更多!







Enhance your college career by gaining relevant experience with the skills and knowledge needed for your future career. 发现我们的体验式学习机会.


Picture yourself in the classroom, speak with professors in your major, and meet current students.


From sports games to concerts and lectures, join the ODU community at a variety of campus events.