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Students sitting and talking outside Barry 艺术 Building.

RESEARCH所道德 & 公共事务

ODU Student Branded Web Images

  联系: (757) 683-3861

The RESEARCH所 道德 & 公共事务 (IEPA) exists to raise awareness and stimulate discussion of the ethical dimensions of matters of public concern, within both the ODU campus community and the larger Hampton Roads community. It is housed in the Department of 哲学 & 宗教RESEARCH, and its Co-董事 are members of that department. Its mission includes the following:

  • Strengthen moral community and foster a commitment to ethical ideals in public life
  • Facilitate reflection on the ethical standards that govern the professions
  • Highlight the unique and valuable contribution that philosophical reasoning can make to practical decision making


An Evening with Evette迪翁 Poster

An Evening with Evette迪翁

March 19, 2024 | 5:30 p.m.

Free and open to the public!

Native American Dance & Dmocracy with Dr. 谢韦尔奇
Ganden A Joyful Land  Film by Ngawang Choepal
Shariah: What it is and Why It's Not Taking Over Our Country

The 400 Years Project - 2020
The American Infant Mortality Crisis
IEPA 2019 Islamic Virtue 道德 Sheikh flyer
Why Price Gouging is Immoral - 2018

Killing the Black Body 2018
IEPA lecture_Wiliams
不公正的性与. 强奸

IEPA 2-16-17
IEPA 11-1-16
climate change injustice


Teresa Kouri Kissel, Ph.D.

Teresa Kouri Kissel, Ph.D.

Associate 教授, 哲学 & 宗教RESEARCH, ODU

戴尔E. 米勒,Ph值.D.

戴尔E. 米勒,Ph值.D.

教授 & Associate Dean for RESEARCH & RESEARCH生 Studies, ODU

Community Advisory Council

Anne-Taylor Cahill, D.菲尔。.
ODU Department of 哲学 & 宗教RESEARCH

Yvette Pearson, Ph.D.
Vice Provost of 教师 Affairs
Old Dominion University

Virginia Patton Prugh, LTC, USA, JAGC
Bureau for 国际 Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, U.S. Department of State

Damien X. 沃尔什,J.D.
Attorney-Advisor, Joint Forces Command (JFCOM)


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