Hourly 就业

The pay system for hourly positions is based upon the position's role title and the state's classification system. The position's role title is based upon complexity, results and accountabIlity stated in hourly employee's official position description. If you do not have a copy of your position description, ask your supervisor for one or request a copy from the Department of 人力资源.

  • Wage (hourly) employment is defined as employment to meet seasonal, 临时, 兼职, or casual workforce needs.
  • Wage employees are not covered by the Virginia Personnel Act.
  • Wage employees are limited to working 29 hours/week on average between 五月 1 and April 30.

Salary Chart for Hourly 员工 as of December 16, 2023

支付乐队 最小范围 范围最大
1 $12.85 $26.55
2 $13.78 $33.75
3 $14.60 $37.85
4 $19.07 $47.49
5 $24.92 $60.06
6 $32.55 $76.50
7 $42.50 $97.98
8 $55.55 $126.03
9 $72.58 市场

Minimum wage for Arizona - $14.35/hr (effective January 1, 2024)
Minimum wage for Washington State - $16.28/hr (effective January 1, 2024)

Wage employees are expected to:

  • Report to work as scheduled
  • Performing work as assigned
  • Obtain approval prior to changing work hours including arriving early or leaving late
  • Enter work hours accurately in WTE each pay period

好处 for Hourly 员工

Employee benefits medical

Hourly (wage) employees are eligible to participate in the following 好处 项目:

  • Family and Medical 离开 Act (FMLA)
  • 军队离开
  • 403(b) Tax Sheltered Annuities
  • 457 Deferred 补偿 Plan
  • 基本保险
  • 学费 Assistance at a pro-rated rate
  • Return to Work Program
  • Workers' 补偿
  • University identification card privileges