


First established in 1969 as the Institute of Oceanography, 海洋部, 地球与大气科学学院于1997年搬入诺福克的最靠谱的网赌软件校园的新楼. New facilities contain laboratories for biological, chemical and geological studies. 1991年,英联邦 海岸物理海洋学中心 在校园附近的一栋建筑里开始运作,所有的物理海洋学实验室都在这里.

The Department maintains a 55-foot research vessel, the 费伊·斯洛弗报道. 本署亦负责维修适合近岸调查的小型船只. 需要更大船只的研究可以通过政府机构的合作来实现 NSF 国家海洋和大气管理局. 最靠谱的网赌软件是CRC (切萨皮克研究协会), col (海洋研究与教育协会)和联卢特派团准成员(国家海洋学实验室系统),以及 大气研究大学 (UCAR).

Norfolk, 维吉尼亚州 is one of seven major cities comprising 汉普顿道路它是世界上最大的主要海港之一. 诺福克是弗吉尼亚州东部地区的中心,也是世界上最大的天然港口的枢纽. 它是一个重要的研究和发展中心,是海洋科学领域广泛的科学和技术活动的发源地, 航空航天技术, 船舶设计与建造, 先进电子学和核物理学. 美国国家航空航天局兰利, the birthplace of the space program, is located in Hampton, 维吉尼亚州.


雅克·西蒙·扎内菲尔德于1959年至1975年担任生物学系主任和海洋学系创始人. The interview discusses Zaneveld's background in the Netherlands, 各种研究资助和项目, expeditions to the Antarctic (where the "Zaneveld Glacier" was established in his name), ODU海洋学的发展, 生物系的变动, 以及环境问题. 听 & Read the Full Interview >



我第一次见到杰克·路德威克是在1966年, when I was an assistant Professor at 达尔豪斯大学 in Nova Scotia, and he was head of Geological 研究 at Gulf Oil 研究 Laboratory in Pittsburgh. I answered a want ad and was invited to the laboratory for an interview. 这次会面纯粹是路德威克式的. 杰克告诉我他和他的实验室在做什么, 继续, 以一丝不苟和详尽的细节, 直到我头晕目眩, 然后突然问我在做什么。我终于醒了过来,感觉像是一个铁陷阱在我身上哐当关上了.

据我所知,杰克的历史始于第二次世界大战,当时他是一名空军气象官, 驻扎在太平洋岛屿上. 杰克没有看到战斗. 战后, he got his degree at Scripps in the 50's from Francis Shepard, “海洋地质学之父.“那是真正的早期. There weren't any dedicated oceanographic vessels then, 所以谢泼德, 一个富有的新英格兰人, 只是买了一艘游艇. Jack, 比如弗朗西斯·谢泼德, was from a well to do background (but in California) and like him was fiercely independent; they got along well. Jack's great formative experience with Shepard was being brought up seasick, 在船的甲板上, 被给予一个现存的, 并告诉他要找到自己. In turn, every student that Jack Ludwick ever had went through this ritual.

Jack Ludwick became Director of the Institute of Oceanography at ODU in 1968. 1968年夏天,我第一次来到奥德赛大学(作为教员,我两次来到奥德赛大学), 杰克还没到那儿. 罗恩·约翰逊比我晚来了几个星期. 雅克Zaneveld was still the Director of the Institute of Oceanography. 在我到来之前,他一直是全体教员.

Jacques was a crusty old Dutchman who did not get along with the Dean of Science. 院长, 梅尔文皮特曼, 是一个带有浓重乡村口音的弗吉尼亚人, a cheerfully domineering man who rather reminded me of Nikita Kruschev. 我对这件事的记忆(我一定是把这两个人弄混了)说,他有一次脱下鞋子,砰地一声摔在桌子上, 尼基塔·赫鲁晓夫做过的事. 然后我遇到了杰克·比彻和乔治·奥菲特, 院长喜欢聪明的年轻人, 他刚把她安插到物理系. 杰克还在物理系,乔治直到最近都是我们的光学海洋学家. 无论如何, 扎内菲尔德和院长处得不好, 对院长说句公道话, Zaneveld was probably a better scientist than administrator (he was an algologist, who sent students down to dive through the Antarctic ice to find macroalgae).

院长想找一个能用新斯洛弗基金推动学院扩张的人. When he turned to Jack Ludwick he probably got both more and less than he bargained for. 情感的对比, 广阔的, 搞政治和不太圆滑的迪恩, 我的保留, 保守的, 这位温文尔雅又固执的新同事比皮特曼和扎内菲尔德之间的对比更引人注目. Jack hated being pressured 和 dean loved to coerce people. 但杰克是科学家中的科学家. The dean had hired him on the strength of his Scripp's credentials, 杰克在学业上也没有让他失望.

Jack wanted to instrument the Bay Bridge Tunnel in 1968. 他打电话给斯克里普斯的同学哈里斯·B. 斯图尔特(“斯图”),当时是迈阿密大西洋海洋学和气象实验室的负责人. Stew's response was tepid, and I could sense Jack's frustration. 智力, 杰克知道他应该走后门,利用他的关系,但他讨厌这个过程,也不擅长. 具有讽刺意味的是, Stew, 终极政治动物, 最终, 视力残疾,半退休, as the somewhat superfluous marine science director at ODU for several years.
学生们讲了一个关于我和杰克从那时开始交往的故事,这个故事的所有细节都是错误的, 但真正捕捉到了我们性格的不同. Jack was determined to get basic science out of his "back garden," lower Chesapeake Bay.

我们在霍尔顿号上出去了, 并在沙波场安装了流速计, 我和学生们经常潜入海底视察. The story has Jack asking me to take notes as the equipment went over the side, and reports Jack's horror as I produced a book of paper matches, 撕开了盖子, 然后用铅笔头在上面做笔记.

细节是错误的,因为故事发生得太晚了,我们的关系不可能是真的. 在他担任新主任的头几个星期里, 杰克带了一本笔记本, producing it to take notes whenever he learned something else about his new kingdom. I was so impressed that I have been carrying a notebook ever since, 在霍尔顿那集里也会有一个, but there is a psychological truth to the story just the same.

杰克写的论文相对较少. 他慢慢地、小心地擦亮它们, partly because it was his nature to do things slowly and carefully, and partly because he made such great demands on himself and others. He assumed that reviewers would also make great demands and would attack him harshly. 在许多方面,杰克是他自己最大的敌人. 但他的论文仍然有人读. 在六十年代早期, Jack would have described himself as a sedimentologist, 如我所愿, 因为当时我们学科的前沿是研究沉积岩石学和相关课题. 随着十年的发展, 我们都开始研究泥沙动力学, the emerging synthesis of sedimentology with boundary layer physics. Jack's mathematical skills were strong; while I poked determinedly ahead into this new region, 他可以自由地飞翔. 杰克对科学也有很好的直觉,可以看到前进的方向. 那时他在很多方面都是我的导师.

杰克很保守. He liked to describe himself as an "economic royalist", 富兰克林·罗斯福(Franklin Roosevelt)曾用这个词轻蔑地抨击反对他的商业利益集团. 杰克会说一些令人吃惊的话, 什么桑迪, 我的妻子(她很喜欢他), 称他的言论“笨拙”. 我还记得他向我和一位惊讶的部门秘书解释,为什么种族隔离是南非推行的一项公平和适当的政策. 如果这些“笨拙的评论”有一个连贯的线索,“这是对权威的尊重, 无论其政策是否恰当. 两个灵魂共享杰克, 一个威权主义者,一个自由主义者, and when the dean told Jack to do something particularly stupid, 我朋友的这两部分之间的冲突几乎使他怒不可遏.

杰克有审美的一面. 他喜欢歌剧,也喜欢听音乐会. 有一次他告诉我,他和妻子诺拉是如何在一场大雪中开车穿过匹兹堡几乎无人的街道,去看匹兹堡交响乐团的周日演出的. 他说,那里只有真正的死忠分子. 然而杰克对艺术的态度是明显的路德维克主义. Jack and I used to eat lunch in the faculty dining room at Webb Center (it was the Student Center then; Louis Webb, 又一个老弗吉尼亚人, was still President) We often ate with Wayne Bowman from the English Department. 有一天,, Jack explained to us that he was very interested in the novel, and wanted to get a list of the 100 best novels to read. Wayne and I scoffed; that wasn't the way to approach the novel 和re probably wasn't any such list, 我们说. 杰克在图书馆度过了一个下午, 第二天午餐时,他洋洋得意地拿着某人列出的100本最重要的小说. But the 19th century heyday of the novel failed to hold Jack's attention. It was the French post- modernist novels that engaged him, 主要是因为这些人是实验性的. Jack told me about one such novel that was unpaged and unbound; you could read the pages in any order. 杰克一般对诗歌没什么鉴赏力, although he was interested in the French Symbolist poets Verlaine and Malarme; these were the "slide rule" poets who hoped to synthesize poetry and mathematics. This was another side of Jack emerging; the radical frozen inside the 保守的. 杰克不赞成传统. 他对历史不感兴趣,还嘲笑宗教(“但你怎么能听布道呢, Don...").

我们幸存者用我们的记忆来纪念死者. At least once a week, I still have an argument with Jack Ludwick.

这篇文章是由Dr. Swift, 现任名誉教授, who at the time was Eminent Professor and Slover Chair of Oceanography. It began as a speech delivered at the Department's Ludwick Dinner in 1995. Then-Assistant Professor Fred Dobbs, editor of the newsletter, cajoled Dr. 赶快把它写下来.

JC Ludwick Memorial >

Year 讲师 隶属关系(当时)
2022 Dr. Jaia Savitsky 科罗拉多大学博尔德分校
2021 鉴于COVID-19取消  
2020 鉴于COVID-19取消  
2019 吉迪恩亨德森 牛津大学
2018 Kevin Trenberth 国家大气研究公司
2017 迈克尔R. 兰德里 斯克里普斯海洋学研究所
2016 威廉•鲁丁曼 弗吉尼亚大学
2015 罗伯特•安德森 拉蒙特-多尔蒂地球观测站
2014 乔治调情 普林斯顿大学




2012 安德鲁·H. Knoll 哈佛大学
2011 克里斯托弗德国 伍兹霍尔海洋研究所
2010 威廉詹金斯 伍兹霍尔海洋研究所
2009 克里一. 伊曼纽尔 麻省理工学院
2008 咪咪Koehl 加州大学伯克利分校
2007 布鲁斯Runnegar 加州大学洛杉矶分校
2006 爱德华·博伊尔 麻省理工学院
2005 罗伯特·比尔兹利 伍兹霍尔海洋研究所
2004 汉斯Paerl 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校
2003 威廉咖喱 伍兹霍尔海洋研究所
2002 约翰对冲 华盛顿大学
2001 Rana细 迈阿密大学
2000 罗伯特·迪安 佛罗里达大学
1999 大卫•卡尔 夏威夷大学
1998 肯Bruland 加州大学圣克鲁斯分校
1997 乔·里德 斯克里普斯海洋学研究所
1996 鲁迪Slingerland 宾夕法尼亚州立大学
1995 弗雷德里克Grassle 伍兹霍尔海洋研究所
1994 约翰祸害 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校
1993 卡尔Turekian 耶鲁大学
1992 玛格丽特Leinen 罗德岛大学
1991 埃里克·米尔斯 达尔豪斯大学
1990 彼得·布鲁尔 伍兹霍尔海洋研究所
1989 柯克布莱恩 普林斯顿大学
1988 查尔斯Nittrouer 纽约大学石溪分校

Handin J.W.卢德威克,J.C. W .克伦拜因.C., 1950. Discussion of "Pulsational transport of sand by shore agents". 美国地球物理学会学报, 31(6), pp.936-937.

Menard H.W. 卢德威克,J.C., 1951. Applications of hydraulics to the study of marine turbidity currents. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, 特别刊物编号. 2, pp. 2-13.

Ludwick J.C., 1956. A volumeter for measuring porosity of incoherent sands. 沉积研究杂志, 26(3).

Ludwick J.C. W .沃尔顿.R., 1957. Shelf-edge, calcareous prominences in northeastern Gulf of Mexico. 中部公告, 41(9), pp.2054-2101.

Glezen W.H. 卢德威克,J.C., 1963. 一种自动粒度分类器. 沉积研究杂志, 33(1).

莱文森,.A. 卢德威克,J.C., 1966. Speculation on the incorporation of boron into argillaceous sediments. 地球化学与宇宙化学学报, 30(9), pp.855-861.

Ludwick J.C. 亨德森,P。.L., 1968. 颗粒形状和筛分的大小推断. 沉积学, 11(3‐4), pp.197-235.

Ludwick J.C., 1970. Sand waves in the tidal entrance to Chesapeake Bay: Preliminary observations. 切萨皮克科学, 11(2), pp.98-110.

Ludwick J.C., 1971. Particle shape; classification of thickness using slotted screens. 沉积研究杂志, 41(1), pp.19-29.

出版,D.E.弗莱舍,P.Gosink, T.A.汉娜,W.J. 卢德威克,J.C., 1973. 切萨皮克湾下游的透射性和悬浮物——与ERTS多光谱图像的相关性.

出版,D.E.弗莱舍,P.Gosink, T.A.汉娜,W.J. 卢德威克,J.C., 1973. ERTS多光谱影像与下切萨皮克湾悬浮物和叶绿素的相关性.

Ludwick J.C., 1974. Tidal currents and zig-zag sand shoals in a wide estuary entrance. 美国地质学会公报, 85(5), pp.717-726.

Ludwick J.C. 威尔斯,J。.T., 1974. 切萨皮克湾入口沙波的粒径分布和小规模床型 (No. TR-12). 诺福克老自治领大学是海洋学研究所.

井,J.T. 卢德威克,J.C., 1974. Application of multiple comparisons to grain size on sand waves. 沉积研究杂志, 44(4).

Ludwick J.C., 1975. 切萨皮克湾潮汐入口边界阻力系数的变化. 海洋地质, 19(1), pp.19-28.

小路德威克,J.C., 1976. 总线优先系统:仿真与分析 (No. umta - va - 06 - 0026 - 76 - 1 -最后的Rpt.).

Ludwick J.C., 1978. Coastal currents and an associated sand stream off 维吉尼亚州 Beach, 维吉尼亚州. 地球物理研究杂志:海洋, 83(C5), pp.2365-2372.

石榴,M.A. 卢德威克,J.C., 1980. 切萨皮克湾入口处的永久浅滩:水流-基质相互作用和相互回避的净流. 海洋地质, 36(3-4), pp.307-323.

Ludwick J.C., 1981. 底部沉积物和沉积速率附近的顶针浅滩通道,切萨皮克湾下,弗吉尼亚州. 美国地质学会公报, 92(7), pp.496-506.

Ludwick J.C. 多穆拉特,G.W., 1982. A deterministic model of the vertical component of sediment motion in a turbulent fluid. 海洋地质, 45(1-2), pp.1-15.

Perillo G.M. 卢德威克,J.C., 1984. Turbulence measurements over a sand wave in lower Chesapeake Bay, 维吉尼亚州, USA. 海洋地质, 59(1-4), pp.283-304.

Shideler G.L.卢德威克,J.C.欧特尔,G.F. 芬克尔斯坦,K., 1984. Quaternary stratigraphic evolution of the southern Delmarva Peninsula coastal zone, 查尔斯角, 维吉尼亚州. 美国地质学会公报, 95(4), pp.489-502.

Perillo G.M. 卢德威克,J.C., 1984. Geomorphology of a sand wave in lower Chesapeake Bay, 维吉尼亚州, USA. Geo-marine字母, 4(2), pp.105-112.

Timpy D.L. 卢德威克,J.C., 1985. 采用改进波尺测量井眼高度. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 111(3), pp.495-510.


我第一次见到杰克·路德威克是在1966年, when I was an assistant Professor at 达尔豪斯大学 in Nova Scotia, and he was head of Geological 研究 at Gulf Oil 研究 Laboratory in Pittsburgh. I answered a want ad and was invited to the laboratory for an interview. 这次会面纯粹是路德威克式的. 杰克告诉我他和他的实验室在做什么, 继续, 以一丝不苟和详尽的细节, 直到我头晕目眩, 然后突然问我在做什么。我终于醒了过来,感觉像是一个铁陷阱在我身上哐当关上了.

据我所知,杰克的历史始于第二次世界大战,当时他是一名空军气象官, 驻扎在太平洋岛屿上. 杰克没有看到战斗. 战后, he got his degree at Scripps in the 50's from Francis Shepard, “海洋地质学之父.“那是真正的早期. There weren't any dedicated oceanographic vessels then, 所以谢泼德, 一个富有的新英格兰人, 只是买了一艘游艇. Jack, 比如弗朗西斯·谢泼德, was from a well to do background (but in California) and like him was fiercely independent; they got along well. Jack's great formative experience with Shepard was being brought up seasick, 在船的甲板上, 被给予一个现存的, 并告诉他要找到自己. In turn, every student that Jack Ludwick ever had went through this ritual.

Jack Ludwick became Director of the Institute of Oceanography at ODU in 1968. 1968年夏天,我第一次来到奥德赛大学(作为教员,我两次来到奥德赛大学), 杰克还没到那儿. 罗恩·约翰逊比我晚来了几个星期. 雅克Zaneveld was still the Director of the Institute of Oceanography. 在我到来之前,他一直是全体教员.

Jacques was a crusty old Dutchman who did not get along with the Dean of Science. 院长, 梅尔文皮特曼, 是一个带有浓重乡村口音的弗吉尼亚人, a cheerfully domineering man who rather reminded me of Nikita Kruschev. 我对这件事的记忆(我一定是把这两个人弄混了)说,他有一次脱下鞋子,砰地一声摔在桌子上, 尼基塔·赫鲁晓夫做过的事. 然后我遇到了杰克·比彻和乔治·奥菲特, 院长喜欢聪明的年轻人, 他刚把她安插到物理系. 杰克还在物理系,乔治直到最近都是我们的光学海洋学家. 无论如何, 扎内菲尔德和院长处得不好, 对院长说句公道话, Zaneveld was probably a better scientist than administrator (he was an algologist, who sent students down to dive through the Antarctic ice to find macroalgae).

院长想找一个能用新斯洛弗基金推动学院扩张的人. When he turned to Jack Ludwick he probably got both more and less than he bargained for. 情感的对比, 广阔的, 搞政治和不太圆滑的迪恩, 我的保留, 保守的, 这位温文尔雅又固执的新同事比皮特曼和扎内菲尔德之间的对比更引人注目. Jack hated being pressured 和 dean loved to coerce people. 但杰克是科学家中的科学家. The dean had hired him on the strength of his Scripp's credentials, 杰克在学业上也没有让他失望.

Jack wanted to instrument the Bay Bridge Tunnel in 1968. 他打电话给斯克里普斯的同学哈里斯·B. 斯图尔特(“斯图”),当时是迈阿密大西洋海洋学和气象实验室的负责人. Stew's response was tepid, and I could sense Jack's frustration. 智力, 杰克知道他应该走后门,利用他的关系,但他讨厌这个过程,也不擅长. 具有讽刺意味的是, Stew, 终极政治动物, 最终, 视力残疾,半退休, as the somewhat superfluous marine science director at ODU for several years.
学生们讲了一个关于我和杰克从那时开始交往的故事,这个故事的所有细节都是错误的, 但真正捕捉到了我们性格的不同. Jack was determined to get basic science out of his "back garden," lower Chesapeake Bay.

我们在霍尔顿号上出去了, 并在沙波场安装了流速计, 我和学生们经常潜入海底视察. The story has Jack asking me to take notes as the equipment went over the side, and reports Jack's horror as I produced a book of paper matches, 撕开了盖子, 然后用铅笔头在上面做笔记.

细节是错误的,因为故事发生得太晚了,我们的关系不可能是真的. 在他担任新主任的头几个星期里, 杰克带了一本笔记本, producing it to take notes whenever he learned something else about his new kingdom. I was so impressed that I have been carrying a notebook ever since, 在霍尔顿那集里也会有一个, but there is a psychological truth to the story just the same.

杰克写的论文相对较少. 他慢慢地、小心地擦亮它们, partly because it was his nature to do things slowly and carefully, and partly because he made such great demands on himself and others. He assumed that reviewers would also make great demands and would attack him harshly. 在许多方面,杰克是他自己最大的敌人. 但他的论文仍然有人读. 在六十年代早期, Jack would have described himself as a sedimentologist, 如我所愿, 因为当时我们学科的前沿是研究沉积岩石学和相关课题. 随着十年的发展, 我们都开始研究泥沙动力学, the emerging synthesis of sedimentology with boundary layer physics. Jack's mathematical skills were strong; while I poked determinedly ahead into this new region, 他可以自由地飞翔. 杰克对科学也有很好的直觉,可以看到前进的方向. 那时他在很多方面都是我的导师.

杰克很保守. He liked to describe himself as an "economic royalist", 富兰克林·罗斯福(Franklin Roosevelt)曾用这个词轻蔑地抨击反对他的商业利益集团. 杰克会说一些令人吃惊的话, 什么桑迪, 我的妻子(她很喜欢他), 称他的言论“笨拙”. 我还记得他向我和一位惊讶的部门秘书解释,为什么种族隔离是南非推行的一项公平和适当的政策. 如果这些“笨拙的评论”有一个连贯的线索,“这是对权威的尊重, 无论其政策是否恰当. 两个灵魂共享杰克, 一个威权主义者,一个自由主义者, and when the dean told Jack to do something particularly stupid, 我朋友的这两部分之间的冲突几乎使他怒不可遏.

杰克有审美的一面. 他喜欢歌剧,也喜欢听音乐会. 有一次他告诉我,他和妻子诺拉是如何在一场大雪中开车穿过匹兹堡几乎无人的街道,去看匹兹堡交响乐团的周日演出的. 他说,那里只有真正的死忠分子. 然而杰克对艺术的态度是明显的路德维克主义. Jack and I used to eat lunch in the faculty dining room at Webb Center (it was the Student Center then; Louis Webb, 又一个老弗吉尼亚人, was still President) We often ate with Wayne Bowman from the English Department. 有一天,, Jack explained to us that he was very interested in the novel, and wanted to get a list of the 100 best novels to read. Wayne and I scoffed; that wasn't the way to approach the novel 和re probably wasn't any such list, 我们说. 杰克在图书馆度过了一个下午, 第二天午餐时,他洋洋得意地拿着某人列出的100本最重要的小说. But the 19th century heyday of the novel failed to hold Jack's attention. It was the French post- modernist novels that engaged him, 主要是因为这些人是实验性的. Jack told me about one such novel that was unpaged and unbound; you could read the pages in any order. 杰克一般对诗歌没什么鉴赏力, although he was interested in the French Symbolist poets Verlaine and Malarme; these were the "slide rule" poets who hoped to synthesize poetry and mathematics. This was another side of Jack emerging; the radical frozen inside the 保守的. 杰克不赞成传统. 他对历史不感兴趣,还嘲笑宗教(“但你怎么能听布道呢, Don...").

我们幸存者用我们的记忆来纪念死者. At least once a week, I still have an argument with Jack Ludwick.

这篇文章是由Dr. Swift, 现任名誉教授, who at the time was Eminent Professor and Slover Chair of Oceanography. It began as a speech delivered at the Department's Ludwick Dinner in 1995. Then-Assistant Professor Fred Dobbs, editor of the newsletter, cajoled Dr. 赶快把它写下来.

JC Ludwick Memorial >

Year 讲师 隶属关系(当时)
2022 Dr. Jaia Savitsky 科罗拉多大学博尔德分校
2021 鉴于COVID-19取消  
2020 鉴于COVID-19取消  
2019 吉迪恩亨德森 牛津大学
2018 Kevin Trenberth 国家大气研究公司
2017 迈克尔R. 兰德里 斯克里普斯海洋学研究所
2016 威廉•鲁丁曼 弗吉尼亚大学
2015 罗伯特•安德森 拉蒙特-多尔蒂地球观测站
2014 乔治调情 普林斯顿大学




2012 安德鲁·H. Knoll 哈佛大学
2011 克里斯托弗德国 伍兹霍尔海洋研究所
2010 威廉詹金斯 伍兹霍尔海洋研究所
2009 克里一. 伊曼纽尔 麻省理工学院
2008 咪咪Koehl 加州大学伯克利分校
2007 布鲁斯Runnegar 加州大学洛杉矶分校
2006 爱德华·博伊尔 麻省理工学院
2005 罗伯特·比尔兹利 伍兹霍尔海洋研究所
2004 汉斯Paerl 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校
2003 威廉咖喱 伍兹霍尔海洋研究所
2002 约翰对冲 华盛顿大学
2001 Rana细 迈阿密大学
2000 罗伯特·迪安 佛罗里达大学
1999 大卫•卡尔 夏威夷大学
1998 肯Bruland 加州大学圣克鲁斯分校
1997 乔·里德 斯克里普斯海洋学研究所
1996 鲁迪Slingerland 宾夕法尼亚州立大学
1995 弗雷德里克Grassle 伍兹霍尔海洋研究所
1994 约翰祸害 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校
1993 卡尔Turekian 耶鲁大学
1992 玛格丽特Leinen 罗德岛大学
1991 埃里克·米尔斯 达尔豪斯大学
1990 彼得·布鲁尔 伍兹霍尔海洋研究所
1989 柯克布莱恩 普林斯顿大学
1988 查尔斯Nittrouer 纽约大学石溪分校

Handin J.W.卢德威克,J.C. W .克伦拜因.C., 1950. Discussion of "Pulsational transport of sand by shore agents". 美国地球物理学会学报, 31(6), pp.936-937.

Menard H.W. 卢德威克,J.C., 1951. Applications of hydraulics to the study of marine turbidity currents. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, 特别刊物编号. 2, pp. 2-13.

Ludwick J.C., 1956. A volumeter for measuring porosity of incoherent sands. 沉积研究杂志, 26(3).

Ludwick J.C. W .沃尔顿.R., 1957. Shelf-edge, calcareous prominences in northeastern Gulf of Mexico. 中部公告, 41(9), pp.2054-2101.

Glezen W.H. 卢德威克,J.C., 1963. 一种自动粒度分类器. 沉积研究杂志, 33(1).

莱文森,.A. 卢德威克,J.C., 1966. Speculation on the incorporation of boron into argillaceous sediments. 地球化学与宇宙化学学报, 30(9), pp.855-861.

Ludwick J.C. 亨德森,P。.L., 1968. 颗粒形状和筛分的大小推断. 沉积学, 11(3‐4), pp.197-235.

Ludwick J.C., 1970. Sand waves in the tidal entrance to Chesapeake Bay: Preliminary observations. 切萨皮克科学, 11(2), pp.98-110.

Ludwick J.C., 1971. Particle shape; classification of thickness using slotted screens. 沉积研究杂志, 41(1), pp.19-29.

出版,D.E.弗莱舍,P.Gosink, T.A.汉娜,W.J. 卢德威克,J.C., 1973. 切萨皮克湾下游的透射性和悬浮物——与ERTS多光谱图像的相关性.

出版,D.E.弗莱舍,P.Gosink, T.A.汉娜,W.J. 卢德威克,J.C., 1973. ERTS多光谱影像与下切萨皮克湾悬浮物和叶绿素的相关性.

Ludwick J.C., 1974. Tidal currents and zig-zag sand shoals in a wide estuary entrance. 美国地质学会公报, 85(5), pp.717-726.

Ludwick J.C. 威尔斯,J。.T., 1974. 切萨皮克湾入口沙波的粒径分布和小规模床型 (No. TR-12). 诺福克老自治领大学是海洋学研究所.

井,J.T. 卢德威克,J.C., 1974. Application of multiple comparisons to grain size on sand waves. 沉积研究杂志, 44(4).

Ludwick J.C., 1975. 切萨皮克湾潮汐入口边界阻力系数的变化. 海洋地质, 19(1), pp.19-28.

小路德威克,J.C., 1976. 总线优先系统:仿真与分析 (No. umta - va - 06 - 0026 - 76 - 1 -最后的Rpt.).

Ludwick J.C., 1978. Coastal currents and an associated sand stream off 维吉尼亚州 Beach, 维吉尼亚州. 地球物理研究杂志:海洋, 83(C5), pp.2365-2372.

石榴,M.A. 卢德威克,J.C., 1980. 切萨皮克湾入口处的永久浅滩:水流-基质相互作用和相互回避的净流. 海洋地质, 36(3-4), pp.307-323.

Ludwick J.C., 1981. 底部沉积物和沉积速率附近的顶针浅滩通道,切萨皮克湾下,弗吉尼亚州. 美国地质学会公报, 92(7), pp.496-506.

Ludwick J.C. 多穆拉特,G.W., 1982. A deterministic model of the vertical component of sediment motion in a turbulent fluid. 海洋地质, 45(1-2), pp.1-15.

Perillo G.M. 卢德威克,J.C., 1984. Turbulence measurements over a sand wave in lower Chesapeake Bay, 维吉尼亚州, USA. 海洋地质, 59(1-4), pp.283-304.

Shideler G.L.卢德威克,J.C.欧特尔,G.F. 芬克尔斯坦,K., 1984. Quaternary stratigraphic evolution of the southern Delmarva Peninsula coastal zone, 查尔斯角, 维吉尼亚州. 美国地质学会公报, 95(4), pp.489-502.

Perillo G.M. 卢德威克,J.C., 1984. Geomorphology of a sand wave in lower Chesapeake Bay, 维吉尼亚州, USA. Geo-marine字母, 4(2), pp.105-112.

Timpy D.L. 卢德威克,J.C., 1985. 采用改进波尺测量井眼高度. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 111(3), pp.495-510.