Tools for Handling Restricted Business Information

Traditional email is not a secure channel for sending or storing sensitive information, whether written in the body or included as an attachment.

Even if you and the person you're communicating with have a legitimate business need for the information, or if you only want to send the data to yourself so you can work on it later. 受限制的资料应 从来没有 通过电子邮件发送或存储.

Although you need credentials to log in and access the email in your mailbox, email is sent from server to server, usually in clear text that can be read while in transit by anyone with the right combination of access and opportunity. There is no way to guarantee that all the connections between the sender and recipient are secure.


Never send or request any of the following information by email:

  • 社会安全号码
  • 驾驶执照号码
  • 护照号码
  • 国家颁发的身份证号码
  • 银行/财务账号
  • 信用卡/借记卡号码
  • 受保护的健康信息
  • Any passwords or authentication credentials

How can I collaborate with others on restricted business information?

我们在ODU有几个选择, 是否需要催收, store or share personal information with others at the University. 还记得, you should 从来没有 create multiple copies of documents that contain restricted data or store copies, 指定地点除外.

Secure data collection and sharing options

I need to collect documents from external or ODU customers:

  • 接收安全传真到 横幅文件管理 (BDM) - Faxes can be sent to an MFP and directed to a BDM application where remote staff can access secure digital copies.
  • 联系 to have your MFP's 传真 function redirect to BDM.

I need to collect confidential information from external or ODU customers (including from students or prospective students):

  • Create a secure data collection form with the ODU表单工具 - Data and documents can be collected via the form and securely stored for further processing.
  • In addition, electronic documents can be uploaded directly to the Forms Tool. Care should be taken not to create multiple copies of electronic documents that contain restricted business information.
  • 联系 to set up one of these options with the Forms Tool.

I need to send confidential information to an external party:

  • 联系 the external party to find their secure method of receiving the confidential information.
  • 联系 if unable to determine a secure way to transfer the confidential information.

I want to share information that contains restricted business information among others within my business unit:

  • Use a special ODU network share called a SecDrive.
  • 联系 to set up a secure shared drive.

I need to have reports generated and delivered via 横幅 Jobsub:

  • Jobsub processes (in 横幅) should be written to the database, downloaded and stored per the 调节数据矩阵 (versus being sent as a report via email).
  • Care should be taken not to download files with restricted business information to a local workstation drive or a regular mapped drive. If it is necessary to download restricted business information to a workstation, 请通知ITS风险 & 合规办公室(电邮) so we can help you develop a more secure business process.


(You must be connected to wired network on campus or to the ODU VPN 要使用这些选项.)

To request use of any of the solutions above, or when in doubt, email 基于用例, ITS can help facilitate the appropriate solution for your secure business process needs.

What if someone sends me restricted data, even if I didn't request it?

If you do end up with restricted information in your inbox:

  1. Move the information or document to a secure storage location (see options above).
  2. Delete all copies of the message from your email.
  3. Permanently delete the message from your Deleted Items folder.

What if I accidentally try to email my personal information to someone else?

错误可能会发生. If you try to send a message and Outlook detects a string of characters that may contain personally identifying information (numbers arranged in the format of a social security number, 例如), a warning will pop up asking if you're sure you want to send the message. 联系 your intended recipient and see if there's another way to submit the private personal information.

If you send the document before the notice appears, delete the file from the Sent folder, and permanently delete the message from your Deleted Items folder.