File Storage

Network File Storage

当你在校园里登录到任何一台由校方管理的电脑时, 你可以访问你所在部门的共享目录和你在大学网络驱动器上的个人文件夹. These drives are typically connected automatically.

  • J: Drive - Administrative department file shares
  • K: Drive - Academic college file shares
  • H: Drive - Personal network folders
  • I: Drive - University file shares

From off campus, 或从未加入大学网络的电脑, 您可以使用下面的说明通过ODU VPN访问您的ODU网络驱动器.

Data Backups

ITS维护着所有系统和数据的备份,这些系统和数据由数据中心管理和服务, including files on the university network drives. 我们每天定期(增量)备份所有修改过的文件. 这些备份在一天中的预定时间自动运行.

You can restore data from backups at any time. Windows用户可以尝试使用本文中找到的步骤从备份中恢复文件 guide.

或者,您可以通过给我们的服务器支持小组发邮件请求备份 with the following information:

  • The name of the file
  • The name of the server
  • The directory in which the file was stored
  • 文件完整或未损坏的最后已知日期

服务器支持小组将在恢复完成后与您联系, usually within 24 hours.

Remember: 当你下班的时候,你应该注销你的工作站,以确保它能够备份你的文件. 保持登录状态将使文件处于“打开”状态,从而阻止备份软件正确执行其工作.

Cloud File Storage

大学员工必须小心保护机密或限制数据. 在与任何这些服务存储或共享大学信息之前,请查看 regulated data storage matrix.

Google Drive

As part of Google Workspace for Education, faculty, 员工和学生可以使用50gb的在线存储空间.


ODU为教职员工和学生免费提供5tb的在线存储空间,作为Office 365的一部分. 创建,编辑,存储和共享任何设备的任何东西.

Local File Storage

本地驱动器(包括USB闪存驱动器,外置硬盘驱动器,dvd, cd等.)不会自动备份到服务器或云.

教职员工(数据所有者)有责任在原件丢失的情况下创建不可替换的本地文件的副本. 如果需要,tsp将尽力帮助从本地驱动器恢复数据, but success is not assured.

Responsibilities of the Data Owner (Faculty/Staff)

您负责维护存储在任何本地存储设备上的数据的备份. However, to prevent data loss, 你应该尽可能使用校园网存储或云存储, as they provide automatic backup and restore.

Always adhere to the Regulated Data Matrix when storing data.



  • 书面要求数据所有者将其数据(包括书签)备份到网络驱动器, cloud storage (recommended), or external hard drive (not recommended).
  • 如有必要,提供如何备份数据的说明,但让数据所有者完成任务.
  • 以书面形式确认数据所有者已备份其所有数据.
  • If replacing the computer, 以书面通知资料拥有人,旧电脑将保留7个工作天. On the 8th day, 硬盘上的数据将按照政府标准销毁,不再可用.
  • If re-imaging the computer, 以书面形式确认数据所有者明白,在计算机重新映像后,本地数据将不再可用.


  • 帮助数据所有者将数据从备份传输到计算机.
  • 鼓励数据所有者将数据传输到网络存储或云存储,而不是硬盘.

Local Storage FAQs


  • Your hard drive could fail without warning.
  • Files could become corrupted.
  • A portable device may be lost or stolen.
  • Data can be deleted by mistake.
  • A virus or malicious program could harm your data.

It's up to you, but as a general rule, 当您做了足够多的更改,如果丢失了将很难重新创建它们时,您应该备份数据.


Cloud Storage (OneDrive and Google Drive)

Cloud storage options offer larger space, access to your data from anywhere on any device, recovery of deleted files within 30 days of deletion, and in some cases file versioning.

Network Storage (H, K, J, I Drives)

大学网络存储驱动器空间可供所有教职员工使用,包括大学拥有的设备和个人设备(通过VPN)。. Data saved to the university network drives (H, K, J, 1)每天自动备份,可随时恢复.

USB Flash Drives and External Drives

Flash drives and external drives are small, portable, and can be reused many times to quickly store data. These devices are also vulnerable to loss, theft, damage, or viruses and do not have a proven recovery method. We recommend using them with caution.

Always adhere to the Regulated Data Matrix when storing data.

如果一个内部或外部硬盘驱动器经历数据丢失和备份不可用, 硬盘驱动器可以发送给数据恢复供应商,费用由数据所有者和/或其部门承担. 数据恢复服务可能是昂贵的、耗时的,并且不能保证数据的恢复.

TSP将从您的计算机中移除驱动器,并确定驱动器上的数据是否可以读取. If it can be read, 驱动器将提供给您,以便您可以在2个工作日内复制您的数据. If the drive is inoperable, 如果您希望使用其中一项服务或更换在保修期内的驱动器,ITS将协助您联系数据恢复供应商.