
Study on how meal order affects blood glucose and exercise fueling

The Human Performance Lab at ODU is recruiting regular exercisers to participate in a study looking to determine how the order of foods eaten within a meal impacts perceptions, blood glucose responses, and fuel use during exercise. If you are 18-60 years old, recreationally active, can run/jog for 30 minutes continuously, not currently pregnant, and do not have any injuries that could interfere with running, you may be eligible. Please see the attached recruitment flyer and contact Brian (bkfergus@guoyao100.net) if you are interested.

Study on hydration and body composition

The Human Performance Lab is completing a study to determine how different measures of hydration (saliva osmolality, urine specific gravity, urine osmolality) relate to the amount of muscle mass a person has. Each participant will provide a saliva sample, 一份尿样, and undergo two body composition tests with the researchers. One of the tests used to assess body composition (InBody 770) is valued at $50. To be eligible, participants must meet the following criteria:

  • 18岁以上
  • 体重在330磅以下.
  • Not have an implanted electrical device (i.e.起搏器)
  • Not be currently pregnant

This study is being conducted by Josie Burdin, undergraduate student at Old Dominion University, 帕特里克·威尔逊, 博士学位, RD Associate Professor at Old Dominion University. If you have any questions or are interested in participating, please email Josie at jburd004@guoyao100.net.

Study on how emotions impact responses to running and fueling

Our Human Performance Laboratory at Old Dominion University is conducting a study on how emotional changes can impact the body’s responses to eating prior to running exercise. Currently, there is little research on how emotions such as anxiety, tension, happiness, etc. alter runners’ physiologic, metabolic, and perceptual responses to exercise and fueling. Participation involves:

  • Watching brief movie/video clips
  • Eating a standardized drink meal
  • Running on a treadmill for 30 minutes at moderate-to-vigorous intensities
  • A free body composition test ($50 value)


  • Aged 18 to 55 years
  • Able to run for 30 minutes at a moderate-to-vigorous intensity without stopping
  • No diagnosis or signs/symptoms of cardiovascular disease or a metabolic disorder
  • Currently physically active (3+ days/week of exercise at a moderate or higher intensity)
  • No visual or hearing impairments interfering with ability to see and hear video clips
  • No allergies to Boost nutritional drink

Those who are interested or have questions may contact Patrick Wilson at pbwilson@guoyao100.net or 757-683-4783.