Student 研究

Department of 历史 支持 for 本科 研究

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历史系可资助三名本科生与全职教员合作进行重大研究项目. The year-long projects should culminate in the production of a paper, to be concluded at the end of the spring semester.

论文可以来自于教授所开的一门高年级课程, 这是402年的一个历史项目这个项目将在春季继续, 或者从教授和学生之间安排的独立研究(497)中. 在10月1日之前,教授和学生将向主席提交一份关于拟议项目的简短描述, 在春季学期结束前完成并提交给主席.

本科 研究 Participants

Radiation Poisoning: A Slow and Painful Death

Notable cases of radiation poisoning include the Radium Girls, Tokaimura's employee Hisashi Ouchi, 美国.S. bombing of Hiroshima, and the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant explosion. These cases not only lead to large numbers of deaths, 但在某些情况下,会导致几代人和土地在未来几年受到影响. While these events could have been avoided, 企图掩盖信息和不道德地处理受害者使其更加悲惨. 辐射中毒的影响既有即时的,也有长期的.

教师 Advisor: Annette Finley-Croswhite




我的研究分析了艺术和宣传,以了解在第一次世界大战期间德国民族主义的发展和进步. By looking at propaganda posters, 我分析了德国军方和政府希望他们的人民如何看待他们自己和他们的军队. Throughout the war, 海报和宣传将其重点从地区转移到国家团结,从军事力量转移到为部队争取平民支持. 建立德国人的认同感对于保持民众对一战的支持至关重要, 对宣传海报的深入评估可以让我们深入了解政府是如何从头开始制作宣传海报的.

教师 advisor: Brett Bebber



"The Impact of Religion on the Eradication of Leprosy"

Leprosy is a disease that has stood the test of time. With an astounding rate of immunity worldwide, 以及既能预防又能治愈这种疾病的治疗方法, the question stands: why has it not been eradicated? 本文探讨了麻风病的定义、历史、治疗和不断变化的社会观念. 这篇论文最后将假设,历史上宗教文献对这种疾病的污名化阻碍了麻风病的根除.

教师 Advisor: Annette Finley-Croswhite

Alexandra Arnold
"Italy in the Early 20th Century: Establishing the Fascist Religion"

In the late 19th century, the ideological and literary movement known as 复兴运动 swept across Italy. Meaning "rise again,这是对意大利统一和建立民族意识的呼吁. This successful movement allowed Italy to unite its territories, finally establishing a sovereign state in 1870. Although Italy could claim victory after World War I, her political system was divided and becoming increasingly hostile. The liberal monarchy was no longer what the people wanted for Italy, and many political movements and leaders emerged. 贝尼托·墨索里尼认为这是将法西斯主义引入意大利的机会, but he knew he needed more than just a political party at his back. He recognized the need for a new national consciousness, 法西斯主义模棱两可的结构使他能够塑造其政治意识形态,以适应意大利人民的需要. Not only did Fascism take hold in the government, 但它开始将国家的象征神圣化,使自己成为新的国教.

教师 Advisor: Maura Hametz


In many countries which eventually embraced Fascism, 一个强大的激进左派派系把温和的保守派推入了法西斯派系的怀抱. 在爱尔兰, a strong Leftist faction never developed, 然而,有一段时间,法西斯派与温和的保守派结盟,似乎要控制这个国家. 本文主要通过爱尔兰将军奥达菲对“蓝衫军运动”的领导来分析他的政治兴衰, and later through his foundation of the National Corporate Party. 它首先考察了从1917年到1931年Peadar O'Donnell创立的Saor Eire的爱尔兰社会主义左派的历史, 并将爱尔兰左翼的失败与这一时期的中间派政治联系起来. It then discusses the characteristics and failures of the Blueshirts, the foundation and defeat of the Fine Gael coalition, 以及奥达菲在离开统一党后转向国际法西斯主义. 最终, 它的结论是,爱尔兰缺乏一个强大的革命左翼派别,导致了统一党联盟的失败和爱尔兰法西斯主义的总体失败.

教师 Advisor: Maura Hametz


本文考察了在中世纪,罗马天主教会如何操纵异端的概念,以维持其正统和最终对西欧的权威. 它评估了教会至高无上的发展,并将异端的概念和演变与教会在公元1000年至公元1500年期间使用会议和秘密会议文件维持精神权威和统治权力的尝试联系起来, canonical legislation, 教皇的公牛, pastoral manuals, 和论文. 本文认为,随着教会权力和权威的衰落,异端的概念随着每一个挑战天主教会至高无上地位的新派别和对手而演变, ultimately culminating in witchcraft.

教师 Advisor: Erin Jordan

"I'm Obliged to do All That I Can:' 罗伯特F. Kennedy and the Struggle for Social Justice"

罗伯特F. 肯尼迪在担任司法部长期间热情地倡导民权,对20世纪60年代美国的事件进程产生了深远的影响. He was influenced by the Freedom Riders, the efforts to integrate 美国niversity of Mississippi, the struggle for voting rights for African-Americans, social inequality in American cities, and related topics. 他对追求正义的承诺和奉献精神继续激励着美国人努力实现一个更美好的社会.

教师 Advisor: Austin Jersild