
Welcome to Civil & Environmental Engineering

Welcome to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) at Old Dominion University! Our faculty members have been at the forefront of research, tackling some of the world's grand challenges across various domains. These include climate change, 海平面上升, coastal engineering, geotechnical engineering, structural dynamics, intelligent transportation systems, artificial intelligence in transportation, connected and automated vehicles, transportation safety, big data analytics, computational fluid dynamics, 生物燃料, bioproducts, subcritical and supercritical water, 脱碳, 塑料微粒, nutrients management, water and wastewater treatment, water quality management, 水文, 水资源, and sustainable development.

Both under研究生 and 研究生 学生 have the extraordinary opportunity to participate in these interdisciplinary research projects by engaging in experimental and computational studies. Our faculty members are deeply committed to 学生' success, showing great enthusiasm for teaching and research. 在中东欧, we foster a culture that prioritizes project-based learning, interdisciplinary design, 协作, and systems-level thinking. We place a strong emphasis on professional development through internships and cooperative education opportunities. 另外, we encourage active participation in student organizations and design team competitions, which helps 学生 enhance their research skills and gain early exposure to networking events with professionals. Our department and the college provide world-class laboratories and high-speed computing facilities, preparing 学生 to be career-ready and equipped to thrive in various industries, 学术界, 咨询, 和政府.

The department takes pride in cultivating a warm, 多样化的, 包容, and friendly atmosphere, fostering a highly collaborative environment. Our top priority is to create a 多样化的, 公平的, and 包容 academic setting for all faculty, 学生, 和工作人员. To learn more about our under研究生, 研究生, 小, 证书, and online programs, please explore the CEE website. Connect with us on social media to stay updated, and feel free to reach out to us with any questions you may have. We look forward to welcoming you to our thriving community!

Sandeep Kumar, Ph.D.
Professor and Department Chair