Academic Integrity Tutorial

Academic Integrity Tutorial, created by the University of Maryland University College, assists students in increasing their understanding of academic integrity concepts and helps them learn the skils needed to avoid future academic integrity violations.

的 tutorial includes the following six modules:

  • Module 1: Academic Integrity: What It Is and Why It Matters
  • Module 2: Assignments and Expectations: Starting Out on the Right Track
  • Module 3: Writing Well With Sources: Developing Authentic Synthesis
  • Module 4: Giving Credit Where Credit is Due: Attribution and Citation
  • Module 5: Collaboration Without Copying: How To Do Authentic Work in a Group Setting
  • Module 6: Keeping Yourself Safe Online

In order to complete this sanction, you must complete all 6 modules and each final assessment. You must score 80% or above on the final assessment for each module.

Please add your name to the completion certificate and take a screenshot for each certificate and submit through the "Sanction Completion Submission Form".

Instructions for Completing the Academic Integrity Tutorial

  1. Academic Integrity Tutorial
  2. Enable Adobe Flash
  3. Complete modules 1-4
  4. 做测试
  5. After scoring a 90% or above, send a PDF or screenshot of the "Certificate of Completion" to the Sanction Completion Submission Form.

Petitioning Removal of a Transcript Notation

根据 Code of 学生的行为 "Students found responsible for an academic integrity violation will normally have a notation placed on the student's academic transcript."

A student may petition the Director of 学生的行为 & Academic Integrity to have the notation removed from the student's academic transcript if:

  1. 的 student's period of conduct probation has expired; and
  2. 的 student has successfully completed the Academic Integrity Tutorial, and any other outstanding sanctions; and
  3. 的 student has not been found to have engaged in other Academic Integrity violations during the student's tenure at the University.

的 Director will normally notify the student of the decision whether to remove the notation within 15 business days of receiving the petition.

的 notation will not be removed from the student's transcript when the violation involved substantial premeditation of deliberate conduct. A student may only petition to have one notation removed from the student's transcript. Any subsequent violations that result in a transcript notation will not be eligible for removal.