Assistant Professor
数学 & 统计数据


2300年同上 & COMP SCI BLDG
NORFOLK, 23529

Ph.D. in 统计数据, University of Minnesota, (2013)

SAS Certified Base Programmer for SAS 9
Sponsoring 组织:
Date Obtained: 2007-01-01

Contracts, 奖助金 and Sponsored 研究

"The Prediction of withdrawal from the WIC prgoram" $408,492. 联邦. 2018 -
张,H. "Food Assistance, Diet and Body Weight Status among WIC Eligible Children" $155,000. 联邦. 2016 - 2018
"Junior 教师 研究 Mentoring Program" $3,000. Old Dominion University. 2016 - 2017
张,H. "Just - In -Time incentives (JITI)" $49,966. 联邦. 2016 - 2017
"Evaluation of the Treatment Time- Lag Effect for Survival Data by using nonparametric approach" $6,000. 2016 -


公园,K.Kim, J. Jung, D。. (2018). GLM‐based statistical control r‐charts for dispersed count data with multicollinearity between input variables . 质量 & Reliability Engineering International 34 (6) , pp. 1103-1109.
公园,K. 邱,P. (2018). Evaluation of the tareatment time - Lag effect for survival data. Lifetime Data Analysis 24 (2) , pp. 1-18.
公园,K. (2014). Model Selection and dianostics for joint modeling of survival and longitudinal data with crossing hazard rate functions. 统计数据 in Medicine 33 (26) , pp. 4532 - 4546.
他,我.邱,P.K公园.徐强. and Potegal, M. (2013). Young Chinese children's anger and distress: emotion category and intensity identified by the time course behaviors. International Journal of Behavioral Development 37 (4) , pp. 349-356.


( 2017). Evaluation of the treatment time-lag effect for survival data. Other Biostatistics Workshop Gainesville, FL..
( 2016). Evaluation of the treatment time-lag effect for survival data Oral Presentation South Korea.
( 2016). Evaluation of the treatment time lag-effect for survival data Poster IMS New 研究ers Conference Madison, WI..
  • 2017: Nat'l Cancer Institute & Nat'l Institute of Allergy & Infectiouss Diseases Travel Award, ENAR
  • 2016: Institute of Mathematical 统计数据 Travel Award, New 研究ers Conference in 统计数据 and Probability
  • 2015: Dean's Citation Paper Award, College of Public 健康 & 健康 Professionals
  • 2006: Honor Student, Department of 数学, Yonsei University