芽 & Data Owner Account Audit

Terminations, role changes, account management and the 芽 and Data Owner Banner Audit

    (This includes information about the audit as well as relevant information regarding employee actions that you must take as a 芽.)



    The 芽 Banner and Data Owner Audits are annual audits of Banner accounts that have been approved by the departmental 芽s and Data Owners. The Banner system is a data repository with numerous types of legally protected information, requiring tightly controlled access provided by Budget Unit Directors (芽s) and Data Owners. Access to data within Banner is reviewed annually by both 芽s and Data Owners. This annual audit is intended to identify any Banner access that was not removed properly as employee changes occur. 芽s conduct their audit in the Fall, and Data Owners in the Spring. The audit process is done completely online.

    芽 Employee Actions

    When an employee's status or role at the University changes, corresponding Banner access changes need to be made. 促销活动, role changes and internal transfers (for example) require that existing Banner access be removed and appropriate new access be requested. Terminations require that all Banner access be removed. New processes are in place to facilitate the communication of these actions to ensure timely removal of Banner access.

    • Electronic Personnel Action Forms (EPAFs) are an electronic method to submit changes on hourly, student and graduate assistant employees to 人力资源 and/or Payroll (guoyao100.net/human-resources/services/epafs). EPAFs are submitted through Banner self-service (LeoOnline) by departments and are routed to the department approver, then to Payroll (for student employment) or to HR.
    • A Termination workflow has been created to automatically alert ITS accounts and other stakeholders of termination of all faculty, A / P教员, classified staff and hourly employees. Each stakeholder notified must then take the appropriate action for their area of responsibility.
    • 变更工作流程 has been created to automatically alert ITS accounts and other stakeholders of changes in an employee's role or status at the university that will necessitate changes in that employee's services and privileges.

    The Termination and Change workflow are initiated after HR is notified by the department and HR changes the employee record in Banner.

    账户的请求 and Online Account Request

    Account Request forms and Online 账户的请求 information is available at guoyao100.net/information-technology-services/midas/account-request.

    芽s may choose to set up or change their Account Request Delegates at any time. Account Request Delegates are those individuals who can sign the ITS Account Request or submit an online account request on your behalf.

    To set up an Account Request Delegate, please email Linda Meyers (lmeyers@guoyao100.net).


    The 芽 audit has been scheduled from January through March, and the Data Owner audit is scheduled from April through early June. The 芽 audit must be completed by March 15.

    联系 itshelp@guoyao100.net if you need individual assistance.

    For questions, please feel free to email the Chief Information Security Officer, Kate Rhodes, at kprhodes@guoyao100.net.