
We are glad that you are interested in returning to on-campus housing at 最靠谱的网赌软件. This page contains process related information for current on-campus residents to obtain housing for the academic year. To ensure you have a successful experience navigating the housing application process, it is extremely important to read all material that is provided to you regarding sign-up.

最靠谱的网赌软件 guarantees housing for new freshmen and current freshmen transitioning to their second year on campus. 住房 & 居住生活 staff work to maximize the opportunity to have as many students as possible experience residential living.


  • 活动的MIDAS帐户、MIDAS ID和密码
  • A valid credit/debit card for the $250 application fee. Your application is not complete until your application fee is made.



在读本科生, 目前谁住在校园里, attended 最靠谱的网赌软件 during the current academic year and will continue to be enrolled in an undergraduate program as a full-time student in the upcoming academic year.

2024-2025年归还住房时间表 & 资格

  • February 14, 2024: Return 住房 Application Opens via ODU 房地产门户网站 (12:00 pm)
  • February 28, 2024: Return 住房 Application 关闭s (11:59 am)
  • March 1, 2024 (Ongoing): Upperclass LLC Statuses and Self-Selection
  • March 13, 2024: Timeslot notification for same-room sign-up
  • 2024年3月15日至16日:同房注册
    • Same-Room Sign-Up is how eligible Upperclass residents can retain the same room for the next academic year if they apply for housing by Feb. 28. Eligible buildings are Dominion House, 大学村, 和波瓦坦公寓
  • 2024年3月21日至22日:队列选择
    • Current cohort students (Freshman residents who lived on campus in the fall of 2023) who met the February 28 deadline and have not been assigned. 队列选择建筑是Dominion House, 大学村, 爱尔兰的房子, 欧文斯的房子, 和波瓦坦公寓
  • March 27, 2024 - 12:00 PM: 住房 Application Reopens (Current & 继续学生申请)
  • 2024年4月10日(正在进行中):自动分配
    • Auto-allocation is the assignments process in which an HRL staff member selects a room for applicants who have not been assigned through self-selection or LLC placement
    • The Auto-Allocation process is ongoing and typically lasts through the opening of the Fall semester.
    • These assignments are based on space availability
    • Students assigned to housing on March 27 and thereafter will be prioritized as follows:
      • 2023年秋季新生
      • Upperclassmen who applied by February 28 and who were not eligible for the same-room process
      • Students who applied by February 28 but did not participate in Same-Room Sign-Up (Students in this category may be waitlisted depending on the demand for housing)
      • 住房 applications received on or after March 27 (Students in this category will be automatically waitlisted)
  • May 15, 2024: Cancellation deadline for $200 credit


住房 & 居住生活 may find it necessary to expand our capacity to support the opportunity for as many students as possible to live on campus at ODU. Expanded housing accommodations for students may include the temporary expansion of on-campus spaces or securing off-site housing accommodations.

Residential amenities offered for traditional assignments are available to students living in expanded housing. 这些包括房间陈设, 桌子上覆盖, 安全访问, 人员配备, 洗衣, 餐, 还有班车服务. Residents can and should utilize all campus resources available to any student living on-campus housing. Our staff are committed to ensuring your academic success wherever you reside.

Any student who completes an application for on-campus housing can be assigned to temporary accommodations. The length of stay can range from a few days to an entire semester. 如果学生被分配到一个临时空间, they will be reassigned to a permanent room as space permits. 如有需要,可提供搬家协助. As with on-campus housing, you will be asked to consolidate your room if there is a vacancy. Our goal is to ensure you have a rewarding on-campus experience.


  • All students interested in living on campus for the school year must complete a housing application (this includes residents in apartment communities).
  • Students interested in 性别包容住房 can apply within the housing application. 参观 性别包容住房 查看更多信息.
  • If you are registered with 教育的可访问性, you need to contact their 办公室 to request housing accommodations for the academic year.


  • 一旦你被分配到住房, you will be able to select your meal plan directly through the Card Center. Instructions for selecting a meal plan will be available in the ODU 房地产门户网站 and your housing confirmation notice.