By Annette Finley-Croswhite and 琥珀肯尼迪

In 2022 August Agho, Ph.D., 教务长和负责学术事务的副校长制定了保护学者和研究人员免受社交媒体攻击的指导方针, 留言板, and other online forums. 进一步提高教师在与媒体合作方面的专业知识,并帮助减轻风险, 琥珀肯尼迪, Assistant Vice President for Public Relations, 暑假期间,我花了很多时间在校园里与教职员工和管理人员会面,以了解教职员工的媒体需求. 其结果是将在2023-2024年推出一系列培训,以帮助教师更好地与媒体接触. 今年秋天,大学传播将提供三个具体的研讨会培训, and the CFD is pleased to co-sponsor. The fall topics include: 1) Broader Impacts: How to Share Expertise Through Media; 2) Media Panel: The Elements of a Great Story; and, 3) Virtual Workshop: Social Media for 学者. RSVP links are listed below. Media trainings will continue in the spring. 

Before launching the workshops, 琥珀肯尼迪与教师发展中心分享了她的背景和该系列的目标. Please see her responses below.

我是安布尔·莱斯特·肯尼迪,公共关系助理副总裁. 在一家广告公司担任高级公关顾问六年之后,我于2021年6月加入大学,担任最靠谱的网赌软件与媒体关系主任. 这个职位让我有机会与一家国际制造业客户合作, local art museums, 旅游局和市政当局的项目获得了全国和国际报道. I started my career as a journalist, working in Harrisonburg, Staunton and Williamsburg; my dad is the editor of my hometown newspaper, so you could say I grew up in a newsroom.

您为教师举办一系列与媒体相关的研讨会的灵感是什么?作为一名记者, 我一直在寻求专家资源,以提供问题的清晰度,而那些直接受影响或倡导具体行动的人无法以同样的方式提供这些问题. I would often reach out to universities to seek faculty. 这些活动不仅为教师提供了向更广泛的受众展示他们收集到的信息的机会, 但要真正让公众参与到研究人员之间可能发生的对话中来. 我知道教师们有时会对把他们的研究提炼成媒体的言论感到紧张, and I’d love to help provide some tools for success.

What do you think faculty ought to know when engaging with media outlets?

Most media outlets are seeking broad subject matter expertise, 但通常不会达到人们期望在学术期刊上发表的详细程度. 我们经常看到教师对他们没有直接研究过的特定问题或话题表示担忧, but usually they’re more than qualified to speak in general terms.


练习和完善用最相关的术语谈论研究的能力, the way you might describe your work to someone you just met at a party. 思考一下如何将研究作为你希望通过研究解决的问题或问题, and how that might impact greater society.


我希望教师们能和最靠谱的网赌软件编辑一起参加这个研讨会,直接听到他们在分配报道时所寻找的是什么. 我认为编辑和学者都很容易对彼此的动机做出假设, 找出是什么推动了双方的决策是有启发性的.


ODU最靠谱的网赌软件代表大学和我们的教师促进媒体关系, and that can include working with media to find experts, conducting outreach to promote faculty expertise, vetting opportunities and all aspects of coordination. 我们的团队由经验丰富的记者和媒体关系专家组成,他们与记者和编辑保持着良好的关系. We can also offer ad hoc media training to prepare for specific interviews. Because of our training, 我们预测记者或摄影师可能需要什么才能成功,并做所有必要的后续工作. If a faculty member does feel coverage wasn’t fair or accurate, we can help navigate those conversations with media outlets.


This semester’s offerings are just the beginning of topics we could explore. 在未来, 我们正在计划关于撰写和提交评论文章以及面对面采访培训的课程. 我们很想听听老师们对其他话题的看法.


Broader Impacts: How to Share Expertise Through Media

12-1 p.m. 周一,10月. 2 | Student Government Chambers, Webb Center

一个教师小组将在一个小时的讨论中讨论通过最靠谱的网赌软件媒体分享研究和专业知识的好处和最佳做法. Panelists will offer tips, lessons learned and how they approach interviews.

Panelists include:

  • 冬青鱼钩, professor of biological sciences
  • Jessica Whitehead琼·P. 布洛克捐赠海岸适应和恢复力研究所(ICAR)执行主任
  • 本Melusky, associate professor of political science and geography
  • 吉姆Blando, associate professor in School of 社区 and Environmental 健康


Media Panel: The Elements of a Great Story

12-1 p.m. 周一,10月. 16 |网络研讨会

WHRO的最靠谱的网赌软件编辑米歇尔·汉克森和《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》的安德里亚·诺布尔解释了一个想法的核心是如何成为最靠谱的网赌软件报道的. Attendees will learn how to frame their expertise or research, what makes something newsworthy, how editors determine if a story idea is a “fit,” and the importance of timing.


Virtual Workshop: Social Media for 学者

12-1 p.m. 周一,11月. 13 |网络研讨会

大学传播和大学法律顾问专家将为教师提供使用社交媒体的建议. Learn about the benefits of engaging in online discourse, 潜在的风险和学校的保护学者和研究人员的指导方针. This one-hour webinar is cosponsored by University Communications, the Center for 教师 Diversity and Retention, and the Center for 教师 Development.


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