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压力过大? Practice Controlled Breathing and Meditation With 夏朗Asundi


Many faculty members felt a new level of pressure and 焦虑 when the University moved to online-only instruction in the spring. 不是夏朗Asundi.

Asundi, an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical & 航空航天工程, was equipped with a daily discipline that he says enabled him to fend off stress. 事实上, he's been volunteering throughout the pandemic to help faculty, 学生和其他人学着像他一样应对. Asundi also attended last month's 教师发展中心 workshop on breath work led by adjunct faculty member Lane Dare, and offered to continue the focus with more programming.

11月星期一. 2, Asundi will lead the workshop "Breathe Strong — An Introduction to SKY, Breath and Meditation." In it, he'll demonstrate a breathing technique and guide participants through a meditation. (SKY是苏达山克里亚瑜伽的缩写.)然后在11月11日(周四. 19, he'll lead a second workshop that emphasizes a different breathing technique. 每次练习你都需要一台笔记本电脑或平板电脑, a comfortable chair and a quiet space for yourself.

Last week Asundi answered a few questions posed by the CFD, which is presenting the workshops.

What will you talk about at the workshops and what will you demonstrate?

I'll talk about the connection between breath and mindfulness. Mindfulness here relates to becoming aware of our emotions, which are a faculty of our mind. 我要谈谈压力和焦虑, 特别是在目前的情况下, 还有呼吸和冥想, 融入我们的日常实践, 可以显著缓解. The participants will have the opportunity to experience a simple breathing technique, 然后是有指导的冥想.

How did you become interested in meditation/controlled breathing, or how did you encounter it?

I grew up hearing about yoga, breathing and meditation. Five or six years ago I was formally introduced to the home practice of SKY, Breath, and Meditation. The regular home practice has allowed me to dive deep into exploring breathing, 冥想及其对压力的影响, 焦虑和抑郁.


It was about a year and a half ago that I truly recognized the power of my home practice. In my previous role as a faculty member at another institution, I was not granted tenure despite overperforming at my job. 我的部门很小, 当我担心我的工作时, I was devastated by the feeling that the students would suffer. 当时, I intensified my home practice and quickly recognized that meditating two or three times a day calmed me down and allowed me to move forward. I attribute much of my success becoming a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical & 航空航天工程 at ODU to my breathing and meditation practices.

During the Spring 2020 semester, we had to quickly transition to online instruction. By this time, I was practically addicted to my daily practice of breathing and meditation. It not only allowed me to smoothly transition to handling my responsibilities online, but I stepped up and helped my department to transition online. 感谢我的努力, I received significant accolades from my department head and, 作为奖励, I got him to take a course in breathing and meditation. 在此期间, I also motivated several ODU students and students from my previous institution to take the same course.


Yes, I have undergone both basic and advanced training. I'm one step away from becoming a certified instructor in these practices.


The impact of COVID-19 in our day-to-day life in terms of stress, 焦虑, 不确定性一直很重要, 退一步说. Our professional and personal lives have never been so entangled as they are now. While the short-term implications may be relatively more evident, the long-term impact of this pandemic is simply beyond measure at this time. 如果我们能合并SKY, 呼吸和冥想融入我们的日常生活, there is very strong evidence to suggest that we will be better prepared to address the paradigm change due to COVID-19.

自从封锁以来, students and faculty have come under extreme pressure to reinvent themselves in terms of teaching and learning. There is research-based evidence to suggest that SKY, Breath and Meditation practice can significantly aid in addressing stress, 焦虑甚至是创伤后应激障碍类型的极端情况. 就我个人经验而言, incorporating an early morning routine of such practice has allowed me to be better prepared for the day. 虽然我没有放弃我的练习, 尤其是在工作日, 过去的几个月, there is a clear difference in days spent with and without it. With the daily practice, I am more focused throughout the day and sometimes overcome lack of sleep. I strongly feel I am better at caring for students when I am regular with the daily practice.

这是Zoom会议的细节 for the two sessions of "Breathe Strong — An Introduction to SKY, Breath and Meditation":

周一,11月. 2、10点到11点.m.:
加入Zoom会议 |会议ID: 957 2515 6503 |密码:378323

11月. 从早上11点开始.m. 中午:
加入Zoom会议 |会议ID: 916 0720 0448 |密码:907265



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