By Annette Finley-Croswhite

On September 28-29, 2023年教师发展中心将举办第三轮教学日活动. “教学日”创建于2021年,于9月17日启动, 2021年,为教师提供一个讨论教学法创新的论坛,并了解和反思ODU同事在课堂上所做的事情. 从本质上讲,《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》是一场关于教学的巨大对话.  它们是在线托管的,为参与提供了最大的灵活性. 

Each year the CFD Days of Teaching are built around a theme. 今年第一天的主题是数字素养、评估和研究 while Day 2 focuses on Accessible Teaching Practices. Dr. Kevin Depew, 在写作研究、教育学和在线写作指导方面具有专业知识的英语副教授将以题为“你让我做了什么:设计数字教学法”的主题会议开始我们的教学日.“这两天的形式包括个别研讨会和小组讨论.

所有教师、管理人员和研究生都被邀请参加CFD教学日. In fact, ODU校友Violet Strawderman将在活动的第二天作为嘉宾嘉宾提供见解, joining us from the University of Delware where she is a Ph.D. student in the Department of English. If you are new to Old Dominion University, 我们特别鼓励您参加教学日,并将您自己的经验和想法融入到教学对话中.

The session schedule for the Days of Teaching is posted below. You can go to the CFD events page 阅读更多关于个别会议的信息,找到ZOOM链接,并注册参加活动.

Digital Literacy, Evaluation and Research

10:00 a.m. – 10:50 a.m.
Look What You Made Me Do, Designing Digital Pedagogy

Presenter: Kevin DePew, Associate Professor, English

强调教师应该首先关注他们的课程目标, the Presenter will discuss how to choose programs, add-ons and instructional tools that support those goals. 参与者将有机会练习考试程序并开始未来的课程设计.

11:00 a.m. – 11:50 a.m.
Teaching Students Effective Ways to Evaluate Information

Presenter: Lucinda Wittkower, ODU图书馆教学和学习计划负责人

In this session, 主讲人将讨论如何通过ACRL信息素养框架来教导学生如何使用批判性阅读技能来评估资源. 与会者将有机会分享他们自己在教学资源评估方面的挣扎和成功,并获得课堂应用的实用技巧.

12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Panelists: Lin Guo, Associate Professor, Marketing, Mahesh Gopinath, Associate Professor, Marketing, Cathleen Rhodes, Master Lecturer, Women’s & Gender Studies

Host and Moderator: Robert Strozak, Master Lecturer, Mathematics & Statistics

三位演讲者都在2022年获得了CURE基金(基于课程的本科研究)的资助. During the session, 小组成员将讨论他们如何在他们的课程中使用本科研究, the hands-on research experience students received, and their instructor reflections on student learning. At the end of the session, 将邀请参与者申请今年的2023-2024年CURE竞赛.

2:00 p.m. – 2:50 p.m.

Presenters: Megan Mize, Director, ePortfolio & Digital Initiatives, Academic Success Initiatives & Support (ASIS) & Elle Tyson, Assistant Director, ePortfolio & Digital Initiatives, ASIS

本课程将探讨电子商务实践与信息素养等关键技能培养之间的关系, digital communication, and multimedia literacy. Additionally, 本课程将分享指导学生创建无障碍电子作品集的实用策略, ensuring inclusivity for all audiences. 会议结束时,将展示可用于支持学生编写电子作品集和教师将电子作品集活动整合到教学方法中的资源.

Accessible Teaching Practices

9:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.
Creating Accessible Teaching Pedagogies in the Classroom” 

Panelists: Courtney Gipson, Director, Office of Educational Accessibility, M’hammed Abdous, Associate Director, Center for Faculty Development, Ruth Osorio, Assistant Professor, English, & Women's & Gender Studies, Violet Strawderman, ODU Alum & English Ph.D. Graduate Student, University of Delaware

Host and Moderator: 安妮特·芬利-克劳斯怀特,历史学教授,大学教授 & Director, Center for Faculty Development

小组成员讨论无障碍在课堂上的重要性, inclusive teaching pedagogies, creating classroom community, and technologies available to enhance student accessibility.

11:00 a.m. – 11:50 a.m.
Cultivating Diverse, Equitable, Inclusive, 通过通用的学习设计和无障碍的学习环境

Presenter: Kevin Mallary, Assistant Professor, STEM Education & Professional Studies

Given students’ variability, faculty members are tasked with cultivating equitable, inclusive, 以及充分利用学生不同喜好和能力的无障碍学习环境. Accordingly, 教师应该考虑采用通用学习设计(UDL)框架, 一种强大的教学方法,使所有学生都能掌握自己的学习(CAST), 2018). UDL的原则包括以多种格式提供信息, allowing students to engage materials in various ways, 并鼓励学生创造性地展示他们对知识和技能的掌握.

1:00 p.m. – 1:50 p.m.

Presenter: Judith Wambui Preston, Clinical Assistant Professor, Counseling & Human Services

对教师来说,高等教育的要求既有回报,也有挑战. 在满足学生的需要和培养自己的幸福之间取得适当的平衡,对于营造一个健康和富有成效的学术环境至关重要. In this interactive workshop, 我们将探索促进自我保健和健康界限的策略和工具,同时提高学生的可及性. 我们还将深入探讨教师福利的关键作用及其对有效学生参与的直接影响.