作者:M 'hammed Abdous

最靠谱的网赌软件(最靠谱的网赌软件)的教师发展中心最近召开了一次圆桌会议,探讨了高DFWI率的原因, particularly in 100- and 200-level courses. DWI occurs 当 a student receives a grade of D or F, 滴出, or receives an incomplete in a for-credit course. The roundtable brought together faculty, 学生支持人员, and administrators to unpack the causes of these troubling trends, 探索可扩展的解决方案, and discuss strategies for sustainable change.

  • Kristi 成本ello, Associate Chair of Writing Studies, and General Education &
    Associate Professor of Rhetoric, Composition, and Writing Studies
  • 泰勒·米勒-戈登,机构有效性评估高级研究员 & 评估 
  • Samantha Palmucci, Associate Director of 评估, Institutional Effectiveness & 评估
  • Jeanette Shaw, Lecturer, Mathematics and Statistics
  • 凯蒂·圣. John, Interim Assistant Director of the Center for Major Exploration
  • Lanah 工作人员ord,高影响力学习计划主任,学术成功计划办公室 & 支持
  • Kerri Svoboda-Musick, Academic Advisor, 理学院 
  • Leanne White, Director of Advising, 健康科学学院

讨论的目的是解决关键问题,如:在哪里,挣扎的学生变得不知所措, leading to failure and attrition? How can support systems better connect with the students who need them most? How can data systems inform targeted intervention strategies? What role can peer mentors play in communicating expectations and relevance? 关键的以证据为基础的教学技巧能帮助代表性不足的学生取得成功吗? 以及如何将有效的教学创新成功地传播给所有教师?

As the panelists delved into the topic, 他们讨论了制度, 学术, 个人因素:


泰勒·米勒-戈登首先介绍了学生成绩数据的高层次见解和趋势, noting that the 5-year aggregate DFWI rate for credit-bearing courses is 21%, affected by both high and low extremes during the peak years of the COVID-19 pandemic. 除了, 高入学率(各科超过100人)和高DFWI率(超过30%)的课程, 被称为“飞行常客”," are largely concentrated in the 大学 of 艺术 and 信, 业务, 与科学, particularly in math-based and general education courses.

小组成员确定了几个可能导致高DFWI率的制度因素, including during COVID "policies such as liberal withdrawal and pass/fail grading,课程模式, and over-reliance on adjunct faculty without adequate training and support. 参与者还指出,大学第一年缺乏必修的经验课程,教授大学成功技能, 以及需要改善DFWI数据在学院和院系的传播,以更好地支持教师解决高失败率的问题.

ODU学生人数不足,包括“第一代学生”,佩尔 收件人, and those from rural counties in Virginia, have DFWI rates about 5% higher than their more well-represented counterparts," highlighting the need for targeted support for these student groups. 然而, Miller-Gordon noted that in some high-impact practices, 例如eportfolio, “代表性不足的人群实际上比代表性充分的人群表现得更好."

与会者还讨论了为指导老师建立一个中央信息库的必要性,以及在学期早期使用Canvas分析来识别有风险的学生的重要性. Leanne White提倡“实时访问”学生的表现数据,以便在问题首次出现时“顾问可以进行干预”.


在课程层面, the panelists pointed to several key issues, including "misplaced student expectations about college-level work," "lack of student awareness of available resources and how to access them," misalignment between low-stakes assignments and high-stakes assessments, and "poor attendance and inadequate participation/engagement.Leanne White还强调了“及时反馈”的必要性,以及早期识别有风险的学生的必要性.

Jeanette Shaw described innovations in the math department, 比如嵌入式导师, 但遗憾的是,学生们有能力通过使用手机上的应用程序来绕过有意义的家庭作业. “低风险的任务...students can literally take their phone, here's the problem, and they can snap it. They get an answer for that problem...then they walk into the test that is proctored and they can't do that anymore. 这就是脱节."

与会者还讨论了先决条件课程的有效性,以及在课程序列中跟踪学生表现以确定改进领域的重要性. 一位与会者分享了化学预备课程在提高学生成绩方面的成功,但指出了学生参与和经济援助覆盖方面的挑战. 科斯特洛指出,最近对英语作文顺序的改革是一个潜在的模式, explaining that "We took our [ENGL] 110 back quite a bit... We're starting with the basics in a way that we hadn't been."

简要讨论了出勤政策的作用及其对学生成功的影响, 与会者指出,教师和学生之间需要灵活和开放的沟通, especially in the context of the ongoing pandemic.


Panelists highlighted students' "overconfidence in their 学术 abilities.他们指出,许多学生都存在一些问题,包括不发达的自主学习和寻求帮助的行为, challenges with time management and effective study strategies, underutilization of 学术 support services such as tutoring, and an inability to persevere 当 faced with setbacks or failure.

To promote help-seeking behaviors, 凯蒂·圣. 约翰建议部署“点对点”消息传递,“让学生获得资源”. That way if they are encountering any difficulties or challenges, 他们知道在哪里, 当, 去找谁."

Lanah 工作人员ord 分享d insights from the First-Year Experience Survey, 他指出,“学生们更有可能向家庭成员或ODU以外的人求助,而不是去参加校园服务。,只有15%的学生寻求写作中心或辅导中心等资源. Panelists also discussed the gap between high school and college experiences, 学生往往缺乏在高等教育中取得成功所需的技能和策略. “我在迎新会上和新生谈论的一件事是在高中,对吧? You're in class, we'll just say like 35 hours a week, right? And then you come here and you're in classes for 15, 16 hours a week, roughly. 所以, 有大约20个小时的支持差距,他们没有意识到他们没有在这里," explained Kerri Svoboda-Musick.

Key takeaways: 7 Strategies to Empower Student Success

As Samantha Palmucci pointed out, 最近的积极的外部评论与小组成员的想法和建议很好地一致并强调了这一点. Over the course of the roundtable, 提出了一些可行的策略和想法,以解决高DFWI率和提高学生的成功, 包括:

  • Introduce a First-Year Experience Course: 
    Develop a mandatory course for new students, especially those facing challenges, to provide them with critical study skills, 时间管理策略, and knowledge of campus resources.
  • Embed Tutors in High-Stakes Courses: 
    在关键门户课程中安排知识渊博的导师,在学生最需要的时候为他们提供关键支持, ensuring that every student receives attention.
  • Leverage 技术 to Enhance Proactive Intervention Strategies: 
  • Foster Peer Mentoring and Resource Awareness: 
    Encourage student mentors to 分享 their journeys and guide their peers, 提高对现有支持服务的认识,培养支持性学习环境.
  • Optimize Placement Tests and Prerequisites: 
  • Provide Ongoing 支持 to 教师: 
    Offer faculty training and support focused on early intervention, 建设性的反馈, and student engagement strategies to improve student success.
  • Embrace a Student-Centered Approach: 
    请记住,DFWI数据中的每个统计数据都代表了一个人的故事——一个有梦想和抱负的学生. By taking a holistic approach to address DFWI rates, 我们可以建立一个支持性的社区,让每个学生都有机会茁壮成长,实现自己的梦想.


更正: It was reported only 15% of students sought out resources, data collected from FYES shows it's 17% of students sought out resources.