Assistant Professor
Biological Sciences


NORFOLK, 23529

在世界范围内, wetlands improve water quality, sequester and store atmospheric carbon, protect shorelines from erosion and storm surge, and provide crucial habitat for thousands of species of plants and animals. 不幸的是, wetlands are threatened worldwide and a large percentage of these systems have been lost. My lab's research focuses on understanding how wetland ecosystems, particularly plants, respond to environmental change and stressors in a context that informs restoration, 管理, and conservation. My lab's work ranges from coastal marshes and mangroves to freshwater swamps at scales ranging from the organism (ecophysiology) to community/regional-level (community ecology).

The Wetland Plant & Restoration Lab is led by Assistant Professor Dr. 泰勒米. Sloey in the Department of Biological Sciences at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia USA.

Contracts, 奖助金 and Sponsored 研究

van Breugel, m.s.斯利,T.杨多,E.弗里斯,D.温赖特,B. Tan, E. "LUMPUR Project: Long-term Urban Mangrove Protection, Understanding & Rehabilitation" $180,000. 外国. October 1, 2020 - September 30, 2022


Wetland Ecology, Restoration Ecology, Plant Ecophysiology


薯条,D. A..杨多,E., Abuchahla, Guilherme M. O.亚当斯,J。. B..坎尼奇,S., Canty, Steven W. J.卡瓦诺,K. C..康诺利,R. M..科米尔,n.n., Dahdouh-Guebas, F., Diele, K.费勒,我。. C..弗拉蒂尼,美国.,詹纳杰,T. C..李,S. 叫喊声.奥格尔恰克,D. E..欧阳,X.罗杰斯,K。.朗特里,J. K..夏尔马,S.斯利,T. and Wee, Alison K. S. (2020). Mangroves give cause for conservation optimism, for now. 当代生物学 30 (4) , pp. R153-R154.
麦科伊,M.斯利,T.霍华德,R. 海丝特,先生. (2020). Response of tidal marsh vegetation to pulsed increases in flooding and nitrogen. . Wetland Ecology and Management 28 , pp. 119-135.
皮肯斯,C. N..斯利,T. 海丝特,先生. W.. (2019). Influence of salt marsh canopy on black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) survival and establishment at its northern latitudinal limit. HYDROBIOLOGIA 826 (1) , pp. 195-208.
Sloey T. 海丝特,先生. (2019). The role of seed bank and germination dynamics int he restoration of a tidal freshwater marsh in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science. 17 (3).
Sloey T. 海丝特,先生. W.. (2018). Impact of nitrogen and importance of silicon on mechanical stem strength in Schoenoplectus acutus and Schoenoplectus californicus: applications for restoration. 湿地 ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT 26 (3) , pp. 459-474.
海丝特,米. W..威利斯,J. M.. 斯利,T. (2016). Field assessment of environmental factors constraining the development and expansion of Schoenoplectus californicus marsh at a California tidal freshwater restoration site. 湿地 ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT 24 (1) , pp. 33-44.
Sloey T. 海丝特,先生. W.. (2016). Interactions between soil physicochemistry and belowground biomass production in a freshwater tidal marsh. 植物和土壤 401 (1-2) , pp. 397-408.
Sloey T.霍华德,R. J.. 海丝特,先生. W.. (2016). Response of Schoenoplectus acutus and Schoenoplectus californicus at Different Life-历史 Stages to Hydrologic Regime. 湿地 36 (1) , pp. 37-46.
Sloey T.威利斯,J. M.. 海丝特,先生. W.. (2015). Hydrologic and edaphic constraints on Schoenoplectus acutus, Schoenoplectus californicus, and Typha latifolia in tidal marsh restoration. RESTORATION ECOLOGY 23 (4) , pp. 430-438.