

诺福克 , 23529年

Ph.D. 人类运动科学,最靠谱的网赌软件, (2015)

M.Ed. 在体育教育,最靠谱的网赌软件(2005)

主办机构: 弗吉尼亚医学委员会
获得的日期: 2012-01-01
主办机构: 认证委员会
获得的日期: 2003-01-01


Squillantini R.B. Cavallario J. Comparing the Diagnostic Accuracy of Two Selective Tissue Tests for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries: A Critically Appraised Topic. 国际运动治疗与训练杂志 , pp. 1-6.
坎贝尔,T.纽约州赖利(Reilly.赞波尼,M.选D.莫里卡,P.卡瓦拉里奥,J. 马丁内斯,J。. Salivary microRNA as a prospective tool for concussion diagnosis and management: A scoping review. 脑损伤 , pp. 1-8.
韦尔奇·培根,C. E..纽约州卡布拉市. L..彭宁顿,T. C..艾伯曼,L. E.. Cavallario J. (2023). 运动训练师对其训练范围的认知. 国际运动治疗与训练杂志 , pp. 1-6.
诺丁汉的年代. L.Kasamatsu, T. M.卡瓦拉里奥,J. 韦尔奇·培根,C. E. (2023). Athletic Trainers' Perceptions of and Experiences with Professional Development Approaches for Enhancing Clinical Documentation.. 运动训练杂志.
Cavallario J.Detwiler, K.琼斯,L.白,我. 韦尔奇·培根,C. E. (2023). Athletic Trainers' Perceptions of Salary Negotiation Decision-Making During the Hiring Process.. 运动训练杂志.
阿姆,M.卡瓦拉里奥,J.哈里斯,n.n. A. 韦尔奇·培根,C. E. (2023). Muslim Collegiate Student-Athletes' Experience with Fasting During Ramadan While Participating in Sport.. 运动训练杂志.
Cavallario J.范鲁南,B. L.沃克,S。. E.贝,R. C. 韦尔奇·培根,C. E. (2023). Influence of Gender in Preceptor-Student Dyads on Student Performance in Clinical 教育: A Report from the AATE 研究 Network.. 联合健康杂志 52 (2) , pp. 113-119.
安德森,B. E.卡瓦拉里奥,J.范鲁南,B. L. 艾伯曼,L. E. (2023). Content Validation of the Athletic 培训 Milestones: A Report from the Association for Athletic 培训 教育 研究 Network.. 运动训练杂志 58 (5) , pp. 483-487.
Cavallario J.坎贝尔,B. L.琼斯,B. C. 和培根CEW (2023). 临床环境下运动教练员的谈判实践.. 运动训练杂志 58 (5) , pp. 458-482.
Cavallario J.范鲁南,B. L.沃克,S。. E.贝,R. C. 韦尔奇·培根,C. E. (2023). Implementation of Patient-Centered Care by Athletic 培训 Students during Clinical Experiences: A Report from the Association of Athletic 培训 教育 研究 Network.. 国际环境研究和公共卫生杂志 20 (8).
麦肯,R.韦尔奇·培根,C. E.,萨特米勒AMB,格里布尔,P. A. Cavallario J. (2023). Influences of Athletic Trainers' Return-to-Activity Assessments for Patients with an Ankle Sprain.. 运动训练杂志.
韦尔奇·培根,C. E..安德森,B. E..卡瓦拉里奥,J.范鲁南,B. L. 艾伯曼,L. E.. (2022). Content Validation of the Athletic 培训 Milestones: A Report from the AATE 研究 Network. 运动训练杂志.
萨特米勒AMB卡瓦拉里奥,J.贝兹,S. E.马丁内斯. 麦凯恩,R. (2022). 感知到的不稳定, 疼痛, and Psychological Factors for Prediction of Function and Disability in Individuals With Chronic Ankle Instability.. 运动训练杂志 57 (11-12) , pp. 1048-1054.
琼斯,B. C..卡瓦拉里奥,J.韦尔奇·培根,C. E..沃克,S。. E..贝,R. 柯蒂斯. 范鲁南,B. L. (2022). Characteristics of Athletic 培训 Students' Patient Encounters During Immersive and Nonimmersive Clinical Experiences: A Report From the Association for Athletic 培训 教育 研究 Network. 运动训练教育杂志 17 (4) , pp. 312-319.
Cavallario J.坎贝尔,B. L..琼斯,B. C.. 韦尔奇·培根,C. E.. (2022). 临床环境下运动教练员的谈判实践. 运动训练杂志.
韦尔奇·培根,C. E..卡瓦拉里奥,J.沃克,S。. E..贝,R. 柯蒂斯. 范鲁南,B. L. (2022). Characteristics of Patient Encounters for Athletic 培训 Students During Clinical 教育: A Report From the Association for Athletic 培训 教育 研究 Network. 运动训练杂志 57 (7) , pp. 640-649.
韦尔奇·培根,C. E..卡瓦拉里奥,J.派克·莱西,A. M..沃克,S。. E.. 艾伯曼,L. E.. (2022). Educators' Perceptions of Characteristics That Define Athletic 培训 Student Competence: A Report From the Association for Athletic 培训 教育 研究 Network. 运动训练教育杂志 17 (3) , pp. 241-249.
姑娘J. L..卡瓦拉里奥,J.Hankemeier, D.韦尔奇·培根,C. E.. 沃克,S。. E.. (2022). 项目管理者与发展导师相关的感知挑战. 运动训练教育杂志 17 (3) , pp. 221-230.
麦肯,R.韦尔奇·培根,C. E..萨特米勒,A. M.B..格里布、P. A.. Cavallario J. (2022). 运动训练师用于决定患者恢复活动准备的评估. 运动训练杂志.
Suttmiller,. M.B..卡瓦拉里奥,J.贝兹,S. E..马丁内斯. 麦凯恩,R. (2022). 感知到的不稳定, 疼痛, and psychological factors predict function and disability in individuals with chronic ankle instability. 运动训练杂志.
萨特米勒AMB卡瓦拉里奥,J.贝兹,S. E.马丁内斯. 麦凯恩,R. (2022). 感知到的不稳定, 疼痛, and psychological factors predict function and disability in individuals with chronic ankle instability.. 运动训练杂志.
麦肯,R.萨特米勒,A. M.B..格里布、P. A.. Cavallario J. (2022). Athletic Trainers’ Methods for Determining Return to Activity for Patients With an Ankle Sprain Part I: Types of Measures Used. 国际运动治疗与训练杂志 27 (2) , pp. 85-90.
麦肯,R.萨特米勒,A. M.B..格里布、P. A.. Cavallario J. (2022). Athletic Trainers’ Methods for Determining Return to Activity for Patients With an Ankle Sprain Part II: Influences of Selected Outcomes. 国际运动治疗与训练杂志 27 (2) , pp. 91-96.
韦尔奇·培根,C. E.卡瓦拉里奥,J.沃克,S。. E.贝,R. C. 范鲁南,B. L. (2022). Characteristics of Patient Encounters for Athletic 培训 Students during Clinical 教育: A Report from the AATE 研究 Network.. 运动训练杂志.
Philpot N. J..卡瓦拉里奥,J.沃克,S。. E.. 韦尔奇·培根,C. E.. (2022). Athletic 培训 Preceptors' Perceptions of the Characteristics for Contemporary Expertise. 运动训练教育杂志 17 (1) , pp. 129-137.
韦尔奇·培根,C. E..卡瓦拉里奥,J.沃克,S。. E..贝,R. 柯蒂斯. 范鲁南,B. L. (2022). Core Competency–Related Professional Behaviors During Patient Encounters: A Report From the Association for Athletic 培训 教育 研究 Network. 运动训练杂志 57 (1) , pp. 99-106.
丹尼尔·C·沃特曼., Jr.培根,凯丽·E. Welch卡瓦拉里奥,J. 艾伯曼,L. E.. (2021). 运动教练对保健核心能力的认知与使用频率. 联合健康科学与实践因特网杂志 19 (4).
沃特曼,D.韦尔奇·培根,C.卡瓦拉里奥,J. 艾伯曼,L. (2021). 运动教练对保健核心能力的认知与使用频率. 联合健康科学与实践因特网杂志.
Cavallario J.韦尔奇·培根,C. E.艾伯曼,L. E. 沃克,S。. E. (2021). 庆祝运动训练中的女性学者.. 运动训练杂志 56 (3) , pp. 217-218.
沃克,年代. E.,辛格,S. M. Cavallario J. (2021). The Role Mentoring Plays in the Transition to Practice of Newly Credentialed Athletic Trainers.. 运动训练杂志.
韦尔奇·培根,C. E.卡瓦拉里奥,J.沃克,S。. E.贝,R. C. 范鲁南,B. L. (2021). Core Competency-Related Professional Behaviors During Patient Encounters: A Report from the AATE 研究 Network.. 运动训练杂志.
Cavallario J.韦尔奇·培根,C. E..沃克,S。. E.. 艾伯曼,L. E.. (2021). Barriers to Scholarship Integration in Professional Athletic 培训 项目 and 资源 Needed to Overcome Barriers: A Report from the Association for Athletic 培训 教育 研究 Network. 运动训练教育杂志 16 (1) , pp. 13-27.
Cavallario J.科恩,G. W..,沃森,H. B..纳尔逊,E. 林恩. 韦尔奇·培根,C. E.. (2021). 教师 and Preceptor Perceptions of Their Respective Roles in Athletic 培训 Student Development. 运动训练教育杂志 16 (3) , pp. 208-218.
可爱的小宝贝,.Van Langen, D.卡瓦拉里奥,J. 康明斯,S. A.. (2020). Factors Influencing a Student's Choice of a 研究生 Professional Athletic 培训 Program. 运动训练教育杂志 15 (3) , pp. 177-185.
海兰德,D.卡瓦拉里奥,J.,尼尔,E. R..劳森,M. 艾伯曼,L. E.. (2020). 运动训练辅导员的社会化经验. 运动训练教育杂志 15 (2) , pp. 102-112.
Eberman L. E..沃克,S。. E..卡瓦拉里奥,J. 培根,C. E.. (2020). A Report from the Athletic 培训 Clinical 教育 Network on Scholarship Requirements in Professional Athletic 培训 项目. 运动训练教育杂志 15 (1) , pp. 55-64.
Cavallario J.范鲁南,B. L. 和人说话者,S. (2019). 程序类型对运动训练学生核心能力实施的影响. 运动训练教育杂志 14 (3) , pp. 208-214.
愤怒,J. L..卡瓦拉里奥,J.Hankemeier, D.培根(C). E.. 沃克,S。. E.. (2019). The Preparation and Development of Preceptors in Professional 研究生 Athletic 培训 项目. 运动训练教育杂志 14 (3) , pp. 156-166.
Kershaw Z.莫兰,A. Cavallario J. (2018). The effectiveness of scapular mobilization combined with end range glenohumeral mobilization as compared to glenohumeral mobilization alone in treatment of adhesive capsulitis: A critically appraised topic. 国际运动治疗杂志 & 培训 23 (2) , pp. 62-65.
Cavallario J.范鲁南,B. L., Hoch, J.Hoch, M.,人说话者,S. 普里比什,S. L. (2018). 在病人接触过程中,运动训练学生核心能力的实施.. 运动训练杂志 53 (3) , pp. 282-291.
霍夫曼,E.D 'Onofrio, A.贝兹,S. Cavallario J. (2018). The Effectiveness of Kinesio Tape in Decreasing Kinesiophobia in Patients With Musculoskeletal 疼痛: A Critically Appraised Topic. 国际运动治疗与训练杂志 23 (1) , pp. 10-15.
杰克逊,B. C.麦地那,R. T.Clines, S. H.卡瓦拉里奥,J. 还有霍奇先生. (2017). The effect of fibular reposition taping on postural control in individuals with chronic ankle instability: A critically appraised topic. 运动康复杂志 , pp. 1-15.
Cavallario J. 范鲁南,B. L. (2015). Preparation of the Professional Athletic Trainer: A Descriptive Study of 本科 and 研究生 Degree 项目.. 运动训练杂志 50 (7) , pp. 760-6.
Szlosek P. A.塔格特,J.卡瓦拉里奥,J. Hoch, J. (2014). Effectiveness of diathermy in comparison with ultrasound or corticosteroids in patients with tendinopathy: a critically appraised topic.. 运动康复杂志 23 (4) , pp. 370-5.