

419年海洋 & 物理建筑物
诺福克 , 23529年

Ph.D. in 医学杂志ogical 海洋学, Memorial University Of Newfoundland, (1997)

M.Sc. in Physiology/海洋生物学, University of Vienna, (1992)

Contracts, 奖助金 and Sponsored 研究

"生态ogy of eukaryote microbes in the deep North Atlantic." $539,945. 2012 -
Bochdansky,. B. "Basin-scale distribution and activity of deep-sea protists in the North Atlantic Ocean." $540,256. 私人. August 1, 2008 - July 31, 2011
Bochdansky,. B. 巴特利特,D. H.. "Active microbial populations at depth. ODU subcontractor to Scripps Institution of 海洋学." $250,280. 私人. -
Bochdansky,. B.波伦斯,S. M. rolwagen - bollens, G. C. "Grazing impacts of diverse zooplankton on thin layers. " $112,704. 私人. January 1, 2006 - December 31, 2008
Bochdansky,. B. "Feeding-related energy expenditure in the tropical copepod Dioithona oculata. 伯利兹旅行补助金, research support and 3-week all expenses paid at the Carrie Bow Cay Field Station. 联邦. May 15, 2008 - June 4, 2008
Bochdansky,. B. ". SGER:用于培养深海细菌和纳米浮游生物的高压恒化系统的构建和部署”50美元,000. 联邦. December 1, 2005 - November 30, 2006


Plankton and microbial ecology


(2019). 全海洋深度模块着陆器和保压采样器,能够在原位条件下收集hadal特有微生物.
(2019). 通过光学记录原始斜斜以下深度的总颗粒体积估算碳通量.
Bochdansky,. B.克劳斯,M. A. 赫尔德尔,G. J. (2017). 真核微生物, principally fungi and labyrinthulomycetes, dominate biomass on bathypelagic marine snow. ISME期刊 11 (2) , pp. 362–373.
Bochdansky,. B.克劳斯,M. A. 汉塞尔,D. A. (2017). Mesoscale and high-frequency variability of macroscopic particles (> 100$μ$m) in the Ross Sea and its relevance for late-season particulate carbon export. 海洋系统杂志 166 , pp. 120–131.
Bochdansky,. B.克劳斯,M. A. 赫尔德尔,G. J. (2016). 深海龙王:海洋粒子明显偏离了常见的数量大小谱. 科学报告 6.
驻军,C. Bochdansky,. B. (2015). A simple separation method for downstream biochemical analysis of aquatic microbes. Journal of microbiological methods 111 , pp. 78–86.
Bochdansky,. B. 克劳斯先生. A. (2015). New tracer to estimate community predation rates of phagotrophic protists. 3月ine 生态ogy 掠夺ress 爵士ies 524 , pp. 55–69.
Bochdansky,. B.杰里科. H. 赫尔德尔,G. J. (2013). 用于6000米深度浮游生物和粒子研究的点源数字全息显微镜的研制与部署. 湖泊与海洋学: Methods 11 (1) , pp. 28–40.
Morgan-Smith D.克劳斯,M. A.. Bochdansky,. B. (2013). 北大西洋热带和亚热带深层微生物真核生物的多样性和分布. Deep Sea 研究 Part I: Oceanographic 研究 Papers 78 , pp. 58-69.
Morgan-Smith D.加里森,E. C.. Bochdansky,. B. (2013). Mortality and survival of cultured surface-oceanflagellates under simulated deep-sea conditions. Journal of 经验值erimental 海洋生物学 and 生态ogy 445 , pp. 13-20.
Morgan-Smith D.赫恩德,G. J.范·肯,H. M. Bochdansky,. B. (2011). Abundance of eukaryotic microbes in the deep subtropical North Atlantic. 水生微生物生态学 65 (2) , pp. 103–115.
发斯,年代. M.G . rolwagen - bollens.,奎内特,J. A. Bochdansky,. B. (2010). Cascading migrations and implications for vertical fluxes in pelagic ecosystems. Journal of 浮游生物物earch , pp. fbq152.
Bochdansky,. B.波伦斯,S.G . rolwagen - bollens. 吉布森,A。. (2010). 异养鞭毛动物Oxyrrhis marina和桡足动物Acartia tonsa对鞭毛植物Isochrysis galbana薄层内和薄层周围垂直碳通量的影响. 3月. 生态. 掠夺. 爵士 (402) , pp. 179-196.
经营T.坦布里尼,C., Arístegui, J.波尔塔,F.Bochdansky,. B., Fonda-Umani, S.福田康夫.A、Gogou.汉塞尔,D. A.汉斯曼,R. L. 以及其他(2010年). Emerging concepts on microbial processes in the bathypelagic ocean–ecology, 生物地球化学, 与基因组学. Deep Sea 研究 Part II: Topical Studies in 海洋学 57 (16) , pp. 1519–1536.
Bochdansky,. B. 黄,L. (2010). 重新评估真核结构域EUK516探针的结果是一个适合检测着丝质体的探针, an important group of parasitic and free-living flagellates. J. Euk. Microbiol (57) , pp. 229-235.
Bochdansky,. B.范·肯,H. M. 赫尔德尔,G. J. (2010). Role of macroscopic particles in deep-sea oxygen consumption. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (18) , pp. 8287–8291.
Bochdansky,. B. 波伦斯,S. Thin layer formation during runaway stratification in the tidally dynamic San Francisco Estuary. J. 浮游生物物 (31) , pp. 1385-1390.
Bochdansky,. B., Gro, P.佩平,P. 莱格特,W. 幼鱼的食物限制:摄食范围的个体发生变异及其对生存的潜在影响. 3月. 生态. 掠夺. 爵士. (367) , pp. 239-248.
Bochdansky,. B.纽约州布鲁迈耶(Brunemeyer. D. 莱格特,W. C. (2006). 利用实验室和野外数据相结合的方法对辐射鼠类幼虫线性肠道排泄的模型评价. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135 (2) , pp. 390–398.
Ignoffo T. R.波伦斯,S. M. Bochdansky,. B. (2005). Department of 医学杂志ogy and the Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies. Journal of 经验值erimental 海洋生物学 and 生态ogy 316 (2) , pp. 167–182.
Bochdansky,. B., g ønkjær.,赫拉,T. P.. 莱格特,W. C.. 在食物有限的环境中,对高代谢率的鱼幼虫进行选择的实验证据. 在食物有限的环境中,对高代谢率的鱼幼虫进行选择的实验证据 (147) , pp. 1413-1417.
Ignoffo T.波伦斯,S. M. Bochdansky,. B. (2005). The effects of thin layers on the vertical distribution of the rotifer, Branchionus plicatilis. J. 经验值. 3月. 医学杂志. 生态. (316) , pp. 167-181.
Deibel D.桑德斯,P.阿库纳,J.Bochdansky,. B.日本滋贺市. 里夫金,R. (2005). The role of appendicularian tunicates in the biogenic carbon cycle of three Arctic polynyas. Response of 3月ine Ecosystems to 全球 Change: 生态ogical Impact of Appendicularians , pp. 327–358.
Bochdansky,. B. 波伦斯,S. M. (2004). Relevant scales in zooplankton ecology: Distribution, 喂养, 以及桡足动物阿卡蒂亚哈森卡的繁殖,这是对硅藻骨藻薄层的反应. 湖泊与海洋学 49 (3) , pp. 625–636.
Bochdansky,. B. 德贝尔,D. (2001). 确定肠道排空率的模型规范的后果:重新定义线性模型. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58 (5) , pp. 1032–1042.
Bochdansky,. B. 莱格特,W. C. (2001). Winberg revisited: convergence of routine metabolism in larval and juvenile fish. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58 (1) , pp. 220–230.
Bochdansky,. B. 德贝尔,D. (1999). Functional 喂养 response and behavioral ecology of Oikopleura vanhoeffeni (Appendicularia, 被囊类). Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology 233 (2) , pp. 181–211.
Acuna J. 路易斯.Deibel D.Bochdansky,. B. 哈特菲尔德,E. (1999). 格陵兰岛东北部水域尾尾被囊动物的原位摄食率. 3月ine 生态ogy 掠夺ress 爵士ies 186 , pp. 149–160.
Bochdansky,. B. 德贝尔,D. (1999). 从尾拍频率测量范霍芬油胸膜的原位清除率, time spent 喂养 and individual body size. 海洋生物学 133 (1) , pp. 37–44.
Bochdansky,. B.Deibel D. 里夫金,R. B. (1998). 冷水刺参吸收效率及同化化合物的生化分馏. 湖泊与海洋学 44 (2).
Bochdansky,. B.Deibel D. 哈特菲尔德,E. A. (1998). 中上层被囊动物凡霍菲油鱼叶绿素a的转化和肠道通过时间. Journal of plankton research 20 (11) , pp. 2179–2197.
Bochdansky,. B. 德贝尔,D. (1997). Destruction of chloropigments in copepod guts. 3月ine ecology progress series. Oldendorf 147 (1) , pp. 301–303.
Bochdansky,. B.Puskaric, S. 赫尔德尔,G. J. (1995). Influence of zooplankton grazing on free dissolved enzymes in the sea. 3月ine 生态ogy 掠夺ress 爵士ies , pp. 53–63.
Najdek, M.Puskaric, S. Bochdansky,. B. (1994). Contribution of zooplankton lipids to the flux of organic matter in the northern Adriatic Sea. 3月ine 生态ogy 掠夺ress 爵士ies , pp. 241–249.
Bochdansky,. B. 赫尔德尔,G. J. (1992). 生态ogy of amorphous aggregations (marine snow) in the Northern Adriatic Sea. 111. Zooplankton interactions with marine snow. 海洋生态学教授 87 , pp. 135–146.


Bochdansky,. B. (2010). 一种小型群形桡足动物,因进食活动而增加呼吸 Proceedings from the 2010 AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting.
Bochdansky,. B. 赫尔德尔,G. (1993). 海洋中游离溶外酶的意义:浮游动物的放牧活动作为游离酶池的来源. ASLO AND SWS 1993 ANNUAL MEETING. ABSTRACTS, ASLO/SWS,(USA), 1993, vp.


(2012年2月). 使用数字在线全息显微镜对热带和副热带大西洋深海(200 - 6000米)颗粒进行海盆尺度的目视测量. Paper Ocean Sciences Meeting Salt Lake City UT.
Bochdansky,. B. (2010年2月). Increased respiration due to 喂养 activity in Dioithona oculata, 波特兰美国湖沼学和海洋学学会海洋科学会议上的一小群形成的桡足动物, 俄勒冈州.
Morgan-Smith D.Bochdansky,. B.范·肯,H. 赫尔德尔,G. (2009年1月). 热带大西洋深处某些细菌食性和腐坏性真核微生物的盆地尺度分布. Aquatic Sciences Meeting of the American Society of 湖泊与海洋学 Nice, France.
Bochdansky,. B.赫恩德,G. J. 还有van Aken, H. (2009年1月). 从巴西到非洲横跨热带大西洋100至6000米的粒子垂直视频剖面图. Aquatic Sciences Meeting of the American Society of 湖泊与海洋学 Nice, France.
Bochdansky,. B.赫恩德,G. 还有van Aken, H. (2008年11月). 视频粒子剖面横跨热带大西洋和大西洋中脊的一个突出断裂带,在不断变化的迈阿密海洋中整合生物化学和生态系统, 佛罗里达.
帕拉迪诺,D. Bochdansky,. B. (2008年3月). )磷吸收, 河口桡足动物Acartia tonsa中各种生化组分的分配和消除, 佛罗里达.
Bochdansky,. B. 和金立群., H. (2008年3月). A new FISH probe for kinetoplastids, an important group of heterotrophic flagellates, and the evaluation of a domain-specific probe for eukaryotes Ocean Sciences Meeting Orlando, 佛罗里达.
Morgan-Smith D. Bochdansky,. B. (2008年3月). 基于形态学和荧光原位杂交的深海真核生物群落的定量和表征与机器人显微镜, 佛罗里达.
Rollwagen-Bollens G.Bochdansky,. B.波伦斯,S.吉布森,A.,奎内特,J. 瓦格纳,E. (2008年3月). Upward biological pump mediated by the vertically migrating, thin-layer forming dinoflagellate Akashiwo sanguinea. Ocean Sciences Meeting Orlando, 佛罗里达.
发斯,年代.,奎内特,J.Bochdansky,. B. rolwagen - bollens, G. (2008年3月). 赤藻“薄层”垂直迁移与不同光照和营养条件的关系. Ocean Sciences Meeting Orlando, 佛罗里达.
Bochdansky,. B.博伦斯,D.G . rolwagen - bollens. 吉布森,A。. (2007年2月). 微浮游动物和中浮游动物对薄层垂直碳通量的贡献:利用放射性标记的浮游植物圣达菲的实验研究, 新墨西哥.
Bochdansky,. B.Deibel, S. 莱格特,W. (2005年6月). 根据肠道内容物计算浮游动物和幼鱼的摄食率和肠道排出的瞬时速率,圣地亚哥美国湖泊与海洋学会会议, 西班牙.
Bochdansky,. B. 波伦斯,S. (二零零五年二月). 美国湖泊与海洋学会盐湖城旧金山河口潮汐动力会议失控分层期间垂直叶绿素分布的异质性, 犹他州.
  • 2013: Distinguished 研究 Award , College of Science
  • 1996: Fellow of the School of 研究生 Studies , Memorial University of Newfoundland for continued academic excellence.
  • 1993: Memorial University of Newfoundland 研究生 Fellowships., Memorial University of Newfoundland
  • 1991: Theodor Körner Award,