美联社Jordan-Ashley Walker报道

Cain Huynh是PCAOB学者, president of Beta Alpha Psi and a graduate assistant for the accounting department. 今年夏天,他将获得会计学硕士学位. He was also part of the Strome Tutors Empower Peer Success (STEPS 辅导) for Accounting and Operation Management.

我在越南南部一个美丽的小镇Rach Gia长大. 我仍然记得我和父母一起吃“Chè bưởi”的美好回忆,越南柚子甜汤, 放学后在当地破旧的游乐园外面. I remembered the weak plastic yellow chair and the low table that we would sit at. 每次我吃“Chè bưởi”的时候,我的脑海里就会闪现出那个记忆. 而我爱我的童年在那里, 小镇很小,成功的机会有限. That's why my parents decided to move here to provide me the opportunity that they have not received. I am very grateful that my parents were willing to take that leap and move to America. They came to the United States not knowing the language and worked as nail technicians for the last 15 years to provide for our family. 像这样, I feel a deep obligation to strive toward success so that I can both provide for my family and set an example for future generations to come.

2024届毕业生, Cain Huynh是PCAOB学者, president of Beta Alpha Psi and a graduate assistant for the accounting department. 今年夏天,他将获得会计学硕士学位. 

I selected ODU's MS program because of the faculty who mentored me and the organization I am a part of. 我现在是贝塔·阿尔法·普赛兄弟会的主席, 全国金融信息专业学生荣誉学会. ODU's Beta Alpha Psi had over 60 members and candidates in its prime before the COVID-19 pandemic. 然而,由于大流行,这一数字已大大减少. While others may see this as a sign of decline or the end, I view it as a challenge. 以总统的身份, I have encouraged my chapter to participate in various volunteer events with local animal shelters, 保持诺福克的美丽, 女童子军, 和J&一个赛车. 除了, we have assisted our faculties with the Fall and Spring Accounting Readiness Workshop, allowing members of the organizations to travel to Atlanta to present and compete against other organizations. 作为总统, 我领导了我的分会的复兴,使它恢复稳定, growing it from five members two years ago to 30 and achieving superior chapter status within the global Beta Alpha Psi organization. This experience has helped me develop leadership skills that no other university could have provided.

I hold the accounting faculty in high regard for all the knowledge they have imparted to me. I have thoroughly enjoyed listening to their experiences and career stories. 我和他们有过许多愉快的交谈, 不仅仅是会计理论,还有生活, 约会, 时尚建议. ODU有一些最好的会计教员, 拥有多年担任首席财务官的丰富经验, 注册会计师事务所管理合伙人, 企业主, 甚至是国税局的代理人. I find it praiseworthy that they have chosen to teach, and that's why I chose ODU for my MS program.

你是如何获得实习机会的?? And what advice do you have for other students who may be looking for internship opportunities?
Getting an internship is daunting when you have yet to have one or any experience in the field you are looking for. I remember the exact day that got the ball rolling for me to land an internship, 然后在毕业后得到一份工作. 9月1日, 2022, ODU举办组织博览会的日子是哪一天, and I had an opportunity to meet an alumni of Beta Alpha Psi who graduated two years before. He got me interested in working for his firm so I applied and got an interview. Looking back on (how) I obtained my internship: by showing up at the right place at the right time and meeting the right person when I heard that one of the firms was giving out free Redbull!

但是,获得实习机会的过程并不那么容易. 在实习的前一个学期,我申请了很多公司. I got rejected by everyone because I sent in cold applications to all the jobs/internship openings I could find. Cold applications are when you apply for a job online without connection and references. 被拒绝很难受. 我坚持不懈,决心在校园里更加积极主动. 我向雇主展示了我不仅仅是一个学生.

My first piece of advice for students looking for internship opportunities is to start now. 我注意到第一次实习是最难的, because you have zero experience and are facing other students who have the same objective. 公司招聘的时间一年比一年早. One of my Beta Alpha Psi members received a summer 2025 internship offered in January, 从接受实习到开始实习是一年多. It is never too early to network, so when you are qualified, you will know who to reach out to.

另外, 第二条建议是加入学术组织, which I found to be the best way to get an internship; it is not necessary for you to join mine unless you feel compelled to. 组织 such as mine have a record of gathering the best and brightest the university has to offer due to our value and expectation to focus on academic excellence and giving back to the community. 雇主喜欢看到积极主动的学生. Your involvement might be the difference maker into you getting an internship or not. 维持一个4是不够的.0 GPA; focusing purely on academics has a diminishing return. 我并不是说成绩不重要, 但我要说的是,如果你只有4分,那就更难了.平均绩点0分,没有其他能让你脱颖而出的东西.

我的最后一条建议是,出席会议并利用所有可用的资源. 事件 such as job fairs and firms' open houses are among the best ways to meet employers. ODU举办这些活动是为了让学生与潜在的雇主见面, 他们是来接你的. 你们的目标是一致的. Getting a job or internship as a student is comparably easier than waiting till you graduate to apply. ODU's Handshake and 职业发展服务 (CDS) are excellent resources available to all students for $0.

My advice for first-year students is to seek out opportunities to get involved in campus life. ODU有许多组织和俱乐部可供您加入. The benefit to being involved is that you get to meet so many amazing people on campus with common interests and goals. 这也是找到朋友的最好方法之一. 回顾我在ODU的时光,我真希望我当时加入了象棋俱乐部. I was a former president of the chess club at my high school and I missed the game and the community. 

After graduation, I plan to study for the CPA exam and start my career at KPMG as an auditor. 我的目标是成为财富500强公司的首席执行官或会计师事务所的合伙人.