By Joy Vann

泽维尔Bervine, a special education major with a minor in human services, 获得了考夫曼奖, the highest honor given to a graduating 最靠谱的网赌软件 student, 在5月2日举行的学生荣誉颁奖晚宴上.

Civil engineering major Chloe Barrett was named the Outstanding University Scholar and four students received Provost’s Awards for Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher at the dinner, 在韦伯大学中心的北餐厅举行.

The Kaufman Award, which comes with a $10,000 prize, was established by Landmark Communications. It recognizes graduating seniors who have had an exceptional and constructive influence on the University, its students or the community by demonstrating the highest qualities of leadership and service.

该奖项是为了纪念查尔斯·考夫曼而命名的, 社区领袖, 慈善家和ODU的朋友. 以考夫曼为例, the award winner must show sustained participation in leadership of campus or community groups, an outstanding record of volunteer activities and academic excellence or a major achievement affecting the campus or community.

在他的开场白中, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Austin Agho said, “Students, tonight we acknowledge you and your accomplishments and share in the excitement with your family and friends. You have set yourself apart in both academic achievements and co-curricular involvement. You have seen firsthand the experience and excellence in teaching we strive to achieve at 最靠谱的网赌软件. We are also pleased to recognize the faculty who have mentored and supported you in your academic journey and left an indelible mark on your time here at 最靠谱的网赌软件.”

他和布莱恩·奥巴马总统. Hemphill, Ph.D., bestowed the awards to all the winners throughout the event.

Bervine, Dominion Care的特殊教育老师, is the president of the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity and vice president of the Student Council of Exceptional Children. 毕业后, he plans to work full-time at Bellwood Elementary School as a special education teacher while pursuing his master’s degree at the University of Virginia. He selected Cecelia Tucker as his most inspirational faculty member because of her dedication to promoting diversity and inclusion at ODU. He said, “Her willingness to share her story and advocate for equality and justice makes her a role model for inspiring leaders like me.”

伯文是该奖项的10名决赛选手之一. 护理专业的海伦娜·本斯霍顿(Helena Benschoten)获得亚军. She is the vice president of the Student Nurses Association and a Campus Ambassador. 她最鼓舞人心的教员是莱斯利·夏普.

The other finalists, listed with their most inspirational faculty members, are:

  • 玛丽娜·奇瑞西,主修管理学,辅修艺术史. 最鼓舞人心的教员:瑞安·克林格.
  • 凯特琳(尼基)埃利斯,主修护理,辅修心理学. 最鼓舞人心的教员:Sangita Seaburg.
  • 武江,应用数学专业. 最鼓舞人心的教员:理查德·诺伦.
  • LuzMia Lopez Genoves, speech pathology and audiology major, community health minor. 最鼓舞人心的教员:安·库姆.
  • 丹妮尔·麦克切斯尼,护理专业. 最鼓舞人心的教员:贾尼斯·霍金斯.
  • Brent Pizzamiglio, cybersecurity major, military leadership minor. 最鼓舞人心的教员:杰里米·杜勒.
  • Tyler Robertson, history major, political science minor. 最鼓舞人心的教员:布雷特·贝伯.
  • La’Tisa Ward, astrophysics and computer engineering double major. 最鼓舞人心的教员:天鹅绒·格兰特.

Barrett’s Outstanding University Scholar award recognizes the undergraduate in each college with the highest academic average who completed at least 60 credit hours at the University.  She will enter the workforce as an engineer with Hazen and Sawyer and plans to return to ODU to obtain a master's degree. She praised her most inspirational faculty member, Kathy Boone.

“Dr. 布恩是一个关心的教授的定义. She challenges you while giving you the resources necessary to succeed, 而且她不怕和你在一起. 没有一天我不确定. 布恩支持我. One of my life goals is to live up to the standard that she set.”

The 校友会 also named the following Outstanding College Scholars.

文学院: 卡洛琳·马修,战略沟通专业. 最鼓舞人心的教员:米歇尔·卡朋特.

卫生科学学院: Sophia Janeiro Martinez, speech pathology and audiology, major. 最鼓舞人心的教员:安妮·佩罗蒂.

理学院: 雷蒙德·塔汉,生物医学专业. Most inspirational faculty members: Douglas Mills and Lisa Shollenberger.

达顿教育与专业研究学院: 帕特里夏·霍奇斯,公园,娱乐和旅游研究. 最鼓舞人心的教员:雪莉·比弗.

网络安全学院: Elizabeth Gildea,网络安全专业. Most inspirational faculty members: Mitch Brindley and Xianrong Zheng.

护理学院: 阿曼达·艾伦,护理专业. 最鼓舞人心的教员:路易斯·贝塞拉.

斯特罗姆商学院: Daniel Tekleab,金融专业. Most inspirational faculty member: Professor Max Siangchokyoo.

The recipients of the Provost’s Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Research include:

  • 玛丽·莱佩尔,海洋与地球科学专业. 她的灵感来自维多利亚·希尔.
  • 伊莎贝尔·马丁内斯,主修心理学,辅修人类服务. 她的灵感来自Cathy Lau-Barraco.
  • Sophia Janeiro Martiniz, speech pathology and audiology major; special education minor. 她的灵感来自安妮·玛丽·佩罗蒂
  • Dejaune Thompson, psychology major, human services minor. 她受到了Sheriyse Williams的启发.

The Student Honors and Awards Dinner is held twice a year before the Spring and Fall Commencement Exercises.

The event, 由凯西·刘易斯主持, ODU的社区参与联络, 也有F. 路德维希·迪恩·合唱团. 南希·克莱因(Nancy Klein)教授兼F. 路德维希音乐学院, handed the conductor’s baton over to ODU graduate Christine Loyola for a performance of Frank Tuchel’s “Earth Song.” Later, the chorale men sang the sea shanty “Drunken Sailor” conducted by ODU graduate Carter Campbell. To conclude the event, all rose to join the chorale to sing ODU’s alma mater.