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你来参观. 韦伯狮子喷泉. 2017年6月1日. 大卫·B. 霍林

Sentara Provides H和s-On 'Incubator' 学习 Setting For 健康care Students

Irv Harrell著

In a nondescript building across the light-rail train tracks on Colley Avenue in Norfolk sits the Sentara Ambulatory Care Center, 向低收入成年人提供免费医疗服务的设施, 通过医疗保险和医疗补助没有保险或保险不足.


Twice a month the clinic opens its doors to students from several healthcare disciplines - serving as an incubator of sorts for the future of caregiving. 该项目被称为跨专业协作(IPC)诊所. 它由学生运营,两年来一直在改善人们的生活.

After a year of planning - which included development 和 practice sessions with st和ardized 病人 (patient actors) - the IPC Clinic began operating once a month from noon to 4 p.m. 第一年. 现在每月两次(每隔一个星期二),从下午1点到3点半.m. The clinic got its start through grant money for a collaborative effort between 最靠谱的网赌软件 和 Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS).

"This is truly a joint effort," said Tina Gustin, one of ODU's faculty spearheading the program. “有些教员是由政府拨款资助的,有些是志愿者. Some of the students that attend the clinic are doing so as part of a class, 其他人则是作为临床经验的一部分来参加."

Gustin is just one of several people who ensures this clinical collaboration works effectively for students, 教育工作者, 和, 当然, 病人. The clinic was founded after meetings with Gustin 和 Carolyn Rutledge from ODU's School of Nursing; Sharon 横梁 from ODU's School of Dental Hygiene; Dr. Ana Vazquez from Sentara; Drs. Bruce Britton 和 Jen Ryal from Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS); 和 Karen Kott from ODU's School of Physical Therapy & 体育训练.

"The focus was to get a group of students together to ask real 病人 about their social determinants of health,科特说. “学生们将获得真实的体验. 学生们将学会与病人交谈,然后彼此交谈, 然后为病人护理提供建议."

Vazquez specializes in family medicine 和 is affiliated with several area hospitals, 包括圣塔拉诺福克将军和圣塔拉弗吉尼亚海滩将军. 她在为她的病人服务的诊所里促进护理工作. Ryal oversees medical students 和 residents participating in the clinic. ODU护理学院的Jamela Martin也加入了这一倡议, 与本科护理学生一起工作.

当学生们到达诊所时, 我和他们坐下来,向他们介绍IPC诊所的概况, 包括参观诊所吗, 关于IPC更广泛目的的讨论, 看了哪些类型的病人,马丁说. "I provide mentorship 和 guidance to the nursing students during their reports to the interprofessional teams 和 assist with organizational needs as they arise for the clinic overall."

Among the considerations when addressing social determinants of health for the clinic's 病人 are transportation, 住房, 牙齿健康, 物理需求,如移动设备, 获得食品券和医疗补助.

Clinic participants include EVMS students 和 family medicine residents, ODU家庭护理专业学生, 成人老年学临床护理专科学生, 本科护理专业学生, 物理治疗专业学生, 硕士级临床咨询学生, ODU dental hygiene students 和 Hampton University social work students.

“最重要的是, we have a doctor of nurse practitioner (DNP) student leading the clinic for both their practicum experience 和 research,古斯汀说.

乔纳森•泰勒, 民主党学生领袖, has many responsibilities at the clinic: providing education to 病人, 医生, 护士, 和 students of other programs about the clinic; attending 和 leading meetings with key leaders; developing 和 discovering resources for clients; building 和 maintaining relationships for local 和 state agencies; coordinating patient flow; 和 ensuring appointments 和 referrals are executed via follow-up. Taylor said his experience at the clinic has been more than inspirational.

"We are actually leading the change that we want to see in our nation's health care, 同时为影响全球医疗保健教育奠定了基础,他说. “而大多数学员只来我们诊所一两次, I have no doubt they take what they learn from our clinic 和 apply it to their practice. 在一起工作的同时提供照顾, we are bringing the best options possible to 病人 while increasing our collective knowledge."

Taylor said the clinic's schedule allows for seven 病人 per clinic day (14 a month), 参观时间从一个半小时到四个小时不等. 而对于许多病人来说,交通往往是个问题, ,如果他们出现了, 我们看到他们,泰勒补充道.

凯蒂·哈里斯, 俄勒冈州立大学护理学院的大四学生, said she heard about the clinic through her community health nursing class. The holistic approach to working with 病人 was of particular interest to her. Among her takeaways from the clinic experience was something as seemingly simple as the importance of keeping 病人 informed about their care, but also the sobering reality that "you cannot force someone to receive care, 不管你觉得他们有多需要."

2016年秋天, 横梁, ODU牙科卫生讲师, 被拉特利奇邀请到IPC诊所. One of the things that really impressed her, she said, was how the students h和led the experience.

“当学生团队被分配给一个病人时, 他们很安静, 内省, 有点紧张,不确定这段经历能带来什么价值,她说. 在直接之后, 以病人为中心的互动和参与部分, 学生队一鼓作气地走出房间, 集中, 关心和感动."

Kott said many students who have taken part in the clinic were surprised at how complicated the 病人' needs were. 另外, they learned the overlapping roles of health professionals 和 where certain professions play bigger roles depending on the issue.

Gustin, in citing one of her biggest takeaways, puts it succinctly: "It takes a village."


Dr. 理查德·海勒


ODU杰出Academics, 理查德·海勒 receives millions of dollars in grants from the National Institutes of 健康 for research in gene therapy for cancer 和 other diseases. (更多)



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2018 -干-玩具chkd


美国诺福克市.S. 海军和ODU将在12月联手. 5 at the Slover Library to package 和 deliver the toys to CHKD 和 the Henrico refugee clinic. (更多)



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