
最靠谱的网赌软件 hosted an open house and ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new Student 娱乐 and Well-Being Center (SRWC) on Thursday, 3月28日.

的 expanded space on 4700 Powhatan Avenue now houses the Student 娱乐 Center, the Office of 咨询服务, 学生健康服务 and the 健康促进办事处—all of which have relocated from Webb Center.

“的 Student 娱乐 and Well-Being Center is yet another sign of our commitment to putting students first, but it also represents a one-stop shop on many levels,ODU总裁Brian O. Hemphill, Ph值.D.,在仪式上. “We are truly committed to care for each student’s mind, body and soul. 的 idea of providing a holistic, well-rounded area that really focuses on 健康和幸福 is something that we are proud of.”

学生健康服务 is now located on the first floor of the SRWC, in Suite 1402. Both the Office of 咨询服务 (Suite 2403) and the 健康促进办事处 (Suite 2026) are on the second floor.

“Having well-being services centralized on campus is a great step forward in providing comprehensive programs and services for our students,科尔森·托马斯说, director of recreation and wellness.

Brandi Hephner LeBanc, vice president of Student Enrollment and Engagement 服务s (SEES), 引用列举压力的数据, anxiety and depression as leading academic impediments and that more than half of ODU students scored positive for loneliness and struggled to connect with their peers.

Which, she added, is why these integrated spaces are so important.

“健康 and well-being are two distinct concepts that are keenly interrelated,” LaBanc said during the ceremony. “健康 speaks to activities, practices and habits that contribute to your physical health, while well-being is a state of mind that encompasses your mental and emotional health.”

After the ribbon cutting, attendees were offered tours of 三个空格. 

学生健康服务 office provides ODU students with a multitude of services: more than 10 examination rooms, 远程访问设施, an in-house lab (for blood work and other medical tests) and a procedure room.

Photo of a hospital bed in a medical room

A procedure room in the 学生健康服务 office.

Students can receive primary medical care including diagnosis and management of injuries, illnesses and chronic conditions. 的 center also provides wellness visits and preventative health screenings.

Students can also get multiple vaccinations, including for COVID-19. Other services include prescription management, 实验室测试, 简单的程序, family planning and sexual health testing.

咨询服务, 看到了2个,100 students during the 2022-23 academic year, 提供一对一的咨询, as well as group therapy sessions and an on-site meditation room that students can book in 推进.

Students also have access to consultation and psychiatric services, crisis intervention and a variety of workshops.

Group therapy topics range from coping with anxiety to LGBTQIA+-specific mental health needs to safety in relationships, physical activity and body image.

“With the co-location of services, there are more opportunities to provide a continuum of care,”医生说。. Joy Himmel, director of counseling services. “的 benefit to students is focused on ease of access and normalizing help-seeking in the framework of well-being.”

Plant wall with a door opening that leads into a hallway

的 entrance to the new 咨询服务 office.

健康促进办事处 partners with campus organizations and the greater community to 推进 健康和幸福. Through in-person and virtual events, as well as ODU students who serve as Monarch 健康 Ambassadors, the office helps students with mental and emotional well-being, 预防药物滥用, sexual health and stress management.

Contraceptives and menstrual products are available for free through the office and there is a dietitian on staff in Tracy Conder.

Throughout the open house, the theme was simple: student well-being is not one thing. It contains layers and treating the body need not be separate from treating the mind or the emotions.

事实上, for students to truly thrive personally and academically, all these things need to be considered.

正如拉班克所说: “This building represents the whole person.”