
在ODU年度春季调试仪式上, 28 ROTC students from three universities (Old Dominion, Norfolk State and Regent) became officers in the U.S. 陆军、海军和海军陆战队.

5月2日在查特威体育馆, the new ensigns and second lieutenants took an oath to “defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies” and to “well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office.”

“You are about to start the most challenging but rewarding time of your life,” said Capt. 布莱恩·C. Becker, commanding officer of Hampton Roads NROTC. “I’m honored to have had the opportunity to lead your training, to get you ready to lead the men and women of our military.”

奥斯汀Agho, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, congratulated the graduates on behalf of the University, noting that they had not only obtained a college degree but had also satisfied the requirements to be commissioned.

“You did not achieve this goal by chance,” Agho said. “你们在这里是因为你们的决心, 弹性, 字符, 持久性, 奉献与自律.”

Lt. 唐娜W. 马丁是美国司法部监察长.S. 陆军和ODU校友, reflected on her own commissioning ceremony in 1988, and emphasized her confidence in the next generation of officers.

“As my career sunsets, it’s only right that the next generation stands ready. 你们就是那一代人。. “I feel assured of our nation’s future and security because of the role each of you will play in our future.”

Before cadets took the oath of office, Martin 分享d the story of Warrant Officer Hugh Thompson Jr. to illustrate “the strength and courage that remains rooted in the oath.”

3月16日, 1968, Thompson willingly disobeyed a commander’s orders by threatening to open fire on American troops, saving the lives of more than 10 Vietnamese civilians during the My La massacre. Not only was he never punished for disobeying orders, he was awarded a Soldier’s Medal for his actions.

“The My Lai massacre was not the first or the last time a military force would be misused or corrupted,马丁说. “This type of power abuse is what the Uniform Code of 军事 Justice and the oath of office were designated to prevent, and also what allowed Thompson to do the right thing without punishment.”

Martin explained that the oath of office is intentionally worded to pledge support to the Constitution, 而不是总统或更高级别的官员, acting as a safeguard against corruption and a tool to keep service members accountable.

“By swearing allegiance to a set to a set of ideals and laws, our military and our soldiers are not bound by the orders of a single person, but instead dedicated to the defense of the people and their way of life,”她说。.

She explained that the concept traced back to America’s founding fathers — who created the governing system with a separation of powers and a series of checks and balances between branches.

“It is because of this our military has people such as Hugh Thompson who have what it takes to step in, take corrective action and do what is right without fear of punishment or reprisal for their actions,”她说。.

Martin commended graduates for their decision to serve the country and honor the oath of office, saying that she was proud to serve with them and “the most powerful and professional armed services in the world.”

“We are forever bonded in our mission to defend this great country,”她说。. “愿上帝保佑你, may God bless your families and may God continue to bless the United States of America.”


Nine were commissioned as second lieutenants in the U.S. 军:

  • 基思·克洛普顿,伍德布里奇,B.S. 领导,军械官
  • Naseem Darby,北卡罗莱纳州费耶特维尔.S. 刑事司法,野战炮兵军官
  • 埃文·杜利,弗吉尼亚海滩,B.S. 刑事司法,装甲军官
  • 瑞安·约瑟夫森,邓弗里斯,B.S. 商业分析,野战炮兵军官
  • 安娜·米哈洛维奇,伍德布里奇,B.S. 刑事司法,宪兵军官
  • 德文穆尼,波科莫克,马里兰州,B.S. 体育,信号官
  • Brent Pizzamiglio,阿灵顿,B.S. 网络安全,网络主任
  • 马歇尔·史密斯,汉普顿,B.S. 社会学,军需官
  • 阿什利·斯图尔特,弗吉尼亚海滩,B.S. 社会学,军需官
  • Justin Vassalotti, Fairfax, B.S. 国际研究,装甲军官

其中6人被委任为美国海军少尉.S. 海军:

  • 安德鲁·贝兹,奥克兰,马里兰州,B.S. 护理,护士团
  • 扎克瑞·埃利奇,德克萨斯州鹰湖.S. 计算机科学,信息专业
  • 卡尔·伊班,弗吉尼亚海滩,B.S. mechanical engineering, Student Naval Flight Officer
  • 基尔南·艾恩斯,马萨诸塞州霍利斯顿.S. 生物学,海军飞行员学生
  • Tierra McGarvey,亚特兰大,乔治亚州.S. 护理,护士团
  • 加文·皮弗,弗吉尼亚海滩,B.S. mechanical engineering technology, Student Naval Aviator

Two were commissioned as second lieutenants in the U.S. 海军陆战队:

  • 约书亚·法纳夫,乔治国王,B.S. 国际研究
  • 威廉·帕切尔,斯塔福德,B.S. 网络安全

Other students who received their commissions:


  • Liam Harrigan, Anguilla, British West Indies, B.S. 物理学,海军飞行员学生
  • 塞缪尔·曼奎罗斯,欧文斯伯勒,肯塔基州,B.S. 化学,水面作战军官
  • 布莱斯·米勒,北卡罗莱纳州伯高.S. 应用数学,水面作战军官


  • 多米尼克圣. 安吉,B.S. 政治科学



  • Yosiah Barone Gonzalez,斯塔福德,B.S. 商业营销,装甲军官
  • 卡西迪·梅菲尔德,伊斯利,南卡罗来纳州,B.S. 网络安全,水面作战军官

  • 约书亚埃勒森,圣玛丽,乔治亚州,B.S. 计算机工程,水面作战军官
  • 所罗门·福斯特史密斯,德克萨斯州斯普林.S. 数学,水面作战军官
  • 迈克尔·哈里尔,德克萨斯州沃斯堡.S. Management Information Systems, Submarine Officer
  • 弗朗西斯科·莫拉莱斯,弗吉尼亚海滩,B.S. 计算机工程,潜艇军官

军队参加后备役军官训练军团 launched at ODU in September 1969 and established a fully recognized, for-credit military science curriculum at the University in 1974. In 2003, the 教师 Senate approved an academic minor in military leadership studies. The Naval ROTC Unit Hampton Roads was commissioned in 1982 and was the first unit to offer complete NROTC programs at three universities – Old Dominion, 诺福克州立大学和汉普顿. The program has grown to include 瑞金特大学, Tidewater 社区 College and Virginia Wesleyan University.