Course Schedules

Each semester and summer session, the Registrar's 办公室 publishes a schedule of classes offered during the current or upcoming semester. Detailed class schedules are generally available for viewing (only) approximately 1-1/2 months prior to pre-registration, to assist students in determining course availability and planning schedules.

学生, faculty, and advisors should use the class schedule search provided at 狮子座在线 (Course Schedules on the LEO homepage or Browse for Classes in Banner XE Registration inside the secure site) to view the most up-to-date class offerings.

Both methods allow the viewer to search for all sections of any class by subject (or multiple subjects) or to narrow the search by course number, 水平, 校园, course instructional method, 日期/时间, 教练, 学期的一部分, 或者其他选择. For convenience, an e-mail link to the 教练 is also provided on each course detail page.

Users do not have to log in to the secure area to search for classes from the 狮子座在线 home page. However, login to the secure site is required to register for classes.

Class schedules are subject to change due to budgetary restrictions or other contingencies. A class or section may be cancelled during the registration period if enrollment does not meet minimum University requirements.

学生, especially those who register well in advance of the start of classes, are advised to review their registrations and detailed class schedule just prior to the start of classes, 自 class meeting times may have changed or classes may have been added or cancelled.

看到 Registering for Classes for information on how/when to register, time ticketing, etc.

Course Schedule Listing

搜索 for courses by term, subject or course number.

建筑列表 & 缩写

A comprehensive list of all ODU on- and off-校园 buildings and their proper abbreviations


Find where your class is located.

Registering for Classes

Find information on how/when to register, time ticketing and more.