
Division of 学术事务 员工认可 Program

Our program strives to enhance the quality of workplace life for classified and administrative staff through acknowledgement of excellent work and contributions to ODU.


人力资源 Annual Recognition Program
  • Increase morale, team dynamic, and sense of pride within 学术事务
  • Increase the flow of communication and expectations at all levels within 学术事务
  • Highlight the accomplishments of classified and administrative staff
  • 公开奖励卓越表现
  • Encourage excellence in inter-unit collaboration and cooperation


The 很棒的奖 program is designed to encourage a culture of appreciation and acknowledgement of small scale, 但是重要的贡献. 学术事务 staff are encouraged to recognize each other for outstanding service with a small token of appreciation from colleagues, 主管和/或同事.

This informal recognition can be used to acknowledge contributions of individuals, 团队和工作组. The types of contributions that might be recognized are:


  • Staying late to help someone prepare a presentation for the next day
  • Volunteering to cover for a co-worker who is out sick or on leave
  • Going out of your way to help boost morale or create a positive, inclusive work environment
  • Exceeding expectations for a goal or milestone in a long-term collaborative project
  • Overcoming obstacles to complete the job


  • 工作人员 may award others in- or outside their department as long as both individuals are within the Division of 学术事务.
  • A short form must be completed to document the recognition (supervisor's signature of awardee is required) and receive the recognition gift. Completed forms are submitted to the Provost's 办公室.
  • 所有分类, 每小时, and administrative employees within the division are eligible to participate in the program.
  • 颁发的奖项将是“棒极了”. 这就是我的工作!" cup, certificate or thank you postcard signed by Provost Austin O. Agho.
  • All individuals receiving this will also be recognized during division-wide events.

The Provost recognizes that administrative support staff and faculty administrators make it possible for the work of the colleges and administrative units to be of high quality. A commitment to service excellence requires that truly exceptional staff and administrators are recognized, 庆祝, and rewarded for their contributions to the Division of 学术事务 and the University.

The Provost's Crown Award is designed to recognize two exceptional individuals each year who have made a significant impact in 学术事务 through outstanding dedication and accomplishments; contributing to and demonstrating a commitment to Old Dominion's core mission and values; and exceptional service to the university community.

One faculty professional and one administrative support staff will be honored at the annual 学术事务 Holiday Social in December. Each will receive a trophy or plaque, as well as an appropriate monetary award.


The Crown Award acknowledges accomplishments which include those activities that contribute to the mission of 学术事务 by:

  • 团队建设/团队支持
  • Effectiveness and Efficiency within the 部门 or Division
  • 卓越推动共融
  • Exceptional Public 服务 to the University
  • Exceptional Contributions to the 部门 of the Administrator/Classified/Hourly Employee


Full-time or part-time classified and faculty administrative staff with at least two years of service to the University. Only current employees working in the Division of 学术事务 are eligible to nominate and/or be nominated for this award. 工作人员 on probationary status are ineligible.


The Provost's Crown Award is conducted annually and is overseen by the Division of 学术事务 with nominations evaluated and the award recipients recommended to the Provost by a committee. 这个委员会, comprised of 学术事务 and a HR representative, 将由教务长选出. Only peer/colleague nominations will be accepted (supervisors may not nominate employees). The awardees are recognized during the December holiday reception hosted by Provost's Office.

The deadline for submitting nominations will be set before the end of Fall semester.


The 很棒的奖 program is designed to encourage a culture of appreciation and acknowledgement of small scale, 但是重要的贡献. 学术事务 staff are encouraged to recognize each other for outstanding service with a small token of appreciation from colleagues, 主管和/或同事.

This informal recognition can be used to acknowledge contributions of individuals, 团队和工作组. The types of contributions that might be recognized are:


  • Staying late to help someone prepare a presentation for the next day
  • Volunteering to cover for a co-worker who is out sick or on leave
  • Going out of your way to help boost morale or create a positive, inclusive work environment
  • Exceeding expectations for a goal or milestone in a long-term collaborative project
  • Overcoming obstacles to complete the job


  • 工作人员 may award others in- or outside their department as long as both individuals are within the Division of 学术事务.
  • A short form must be completed to document the recognition (supervisor's signature of awardee is required) and receive the recognition gift. Completed forms are submitted to the Provost's 办公室.
  • 所有分类, 每小时, and administrative employees within the division are eligible to participate in the program.
  • 颁发的奖项将是“棒极了”. 这就是我的工作!" cup, certificate or thank you postcard signed by Provost Austin O. Agho.
  • All individuals receiving this will also be recognized during division-wide events.


The Provost recognizes that administrative support staff and faculty administrators make it possible for the work of the colleges and administrative units to be of high quality. A commitment to service excellence requires that truly exceptional staff and administrators are recognized, 庆祝, and rewarded for their contributions to the Division of 学术事务 and the University.

The Provost's Crown Award is designed to recognize two exceptional individuals each year who have made a significant impact in 学术事务 through outstanding dedication and accomplishments; contributing to and demonstrating a commitment to Old Dominion's core mission and values; and exceptional service to the university community.

One faculty professional and one administrative support staff will be honored at the annual 学术事务 Holiday Social in December. Each will receive a trophy or plaque, as well as an appropriate monetary award.


The Crown Award acknowledges accomplishments which include those activities that contribute to the mission of 学术事务 by:

  • 团队建设/团队支持
  • Effectiveness and Efficiency within the 部门 or Division
  • 卓越推动共融
  • Exceptional Public 服务 to the University
  • Exceptional Contributions to the 部门 of the Administrator/Classified/Hourly Employee


Full-time or part-time classified and faculty administrative staff with at least two years of service to the University. Only current employees working in the Division of 学术事务 are eligible to nominate and/or be nominated for this award. 工作人员 on probationary status are ineligible.


The Provost's Crown Award is conducted annually and is overseen by the Division of 学术事务 with nominations evaluated and the award recipients recommended to the Provost by a committee. 这个委员会, comprised of 学术事务 and a HR representative, 将由教务长选出. Only peer/colleague nominations will be accepted (supervisors may not nominate employees). The awardees are recognized during the December holiday reception hosted by Provost's Office.

The deadline for submitting nominations will be set before the end of Fall semester.