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最靠谱的网赌软件校长约翰. 布罗德里克是由州长任命的. Bob McDonnell to the 州长高等教育委员会 Reform, Innovation and Investment.

"This Commission will play a pivotal role in the effort to make Virginia a more-highly educated state where businesses seek to locate and good jobs are available to our citizens in the communities they call home," McDonnell noted in the May 28 announcement. "We must make higher education more affordable and accessible for Virginians, and expand pathways to earning a college degree.

"Our institutions of higher learning are known worldwide for their innovation, research and quality. Here in Virginia they are job-creators and economic drivers. We must ensure they continue to operate at the highest levels, while remaining accessible to Virginia students."

除了布罗德里克, the commission includes the presidents of seven other Virginia colleges and universities, 以及一些企业, 教育政策和政府官员.

“我很荣幸被奥巴马州长选中. 麦克唐纳为这个重要的倡议, and pledge to work tirelessly with my colleagues to ensure the goals of the commission are met and Virginia's outstanding higher education institutions have a sustainable road map for their - and the Commonwealth's - future success,布罗德里克说.

Created by Executive Order Number Nine, the commission will focus on:

  1. Identifying ways to prevent significant and unexpected tuition increases to ensure affordability and provide cost predictability for students and their parents
  2. Increasing significantly the percentage of college-age Virginians enrolling in institutions of higher education and attaining degrees.
  3. Attracting and preparing young people for the STEM (science, 技术, 工程, 和数学)领域和其他学科(如.g., healthcare and advanced manufacturing) where skill shortages now exist and/or unmet demand is anticipated
  4. Forging effective public-private partnerships and regional strategies for business recruitment, 员工准备, 以及基于大学的RESEARCH
  5. Making Virginia a national leader in providing higher education opportunities to military personnel and veterans
  6. Crafting a sustainable higher education funding model that will systematically move Virginia toward higher levels of educational attainment and economic competitiveness over the next decade-and-a-half
  7. Developing innovative ways to deliver quality instruction, 节约成本的改革策略, and affordable new pathways to degree attainment for capable Virginians regardless of income or background
  8. Ensuring state supported universities focus financial resources on the core mission of educating students and preparing them for careers in the 21st Century economy

The commission is scheduled to have its first meeting in early July, and will submit a final report with recommendations by Nov. 30, 2010.



Tom Farrell, 主席, President and CEO, Dominion 资源, Inc. Former Rector of the University of Virginia


  • 威廉·巴尔,前美国总统.S. 总检察长
  • Dr. 比尔波什, 执行董事, Commonwealth Policy Institute and Distinguished Professor of Public Policy and Education, 弗吉尼亚联邦大学
  • John Broderick, President, 最靠谱的网赌软件
  • 柯克·考克斯代表,殖民地高地
  • 代表Rosalyn Dance,彼得堡
  • JoAnn DiGenarro, President, Center for Excellence in Education
  • Mark Dreyfus, President and CEO, ECPI Colleges
  • 小杰里·福尔韦尔.利伯缇大学校长
  • Heywood Fralin, CEO of Medical Facilities of America, Inc.
  • Dr. Rachel Fowlkes, 执行董事, Southwest Virginia 高等教育 Center
  • Dr. William Harvey, President, Hampton University
  • Dr. Bob Holsworth, Founder and President, Virginia Tomorrow
  • 参议员埃德·霍克,来自Spotsylvania
  • Dr. Robert Lindgren, President, Randolph-Macon College
  • 代表斯科特·林甘菲特,威廉王子
  • Thomas Loehr, Executive Vice President - Crosspointe Operations, Rolls Royce
  • Dr. Mirta马丁, 临时院长, School of Business and Professor of Management, 弗吉尼亚州立大学
  • G. Gilmer Minor, 主席, Owens and Minor, Inc.
  • Dr. Pamela Moran, Superintendent, Albemarle County Public Schools
  • Raj Narasimhan, Site Director, Micron 技术 Virginia
  • Paul Nardo, Chief of 工作人员, Speaker William J. 豪厄尔
  • 参议员史蒂夫·纽曼,林奇堡
  • Leslie Peterson, Director of Operations, Chmura Economics and Analytics
  • Dr. B. Carlyle Ramsey, President, Danville Community College
  • Dr. Linwood Rose, President, James Madison University
  • 代表汤姆·拉斯特,赫恩顿
  • Dr. 查尔斯·斯蒂格,弗吉尼亚理工大学校长
  • 参议员沃尔特·斯托施,格伦·艾伦
  • Todd Stottlemyer, Executive Vice-President, Inova 健康 System
  • Robin Sullenberger, CEO, Shenandoah Valley Partnership
  • 小保罗·特里布尔., President, Christopher Newport University
  • 布里斯托尔的参议员威廉·温普勒
  • Charlie Whitaker, Senior VP of 人力资源 and Compliance, Altria Client 服务s, Inc

Other members include the Secretaries of Education, 技术, 和财务或指定, and the Vice-主席 of the Council on Virginia's Future. 副州长, 商务和贸易部长, and Senior Economic Advisor shall serve as ex officio members

The full text of the 政府ernor's Executive Order #9 is available at:



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